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October 1 @ 7:00 am - 11:30 pm



La Niña is a climate phenomenon that influences global weather patterns, and its delayed impact can have significant effects on air quality in India. The winter of 2023-24 is expected to witness worsening pollution due to La Niña’s interaction with other seasonal and human-induced factors. This has raised concerns about the challenges of air pollution, particularly in urban areas like Delhi.

What is La Niña?

  • La Niña is the cooling phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.
  • It typically leads to stronger monsoons in India and cooler winters.
  • This phenomenon can delay monsoons and worsen air quality due to stagnant air conditions.

Impact of La Niña on Air Quality

Delay in Monsoon Withdrawal:

  • The late retreat of monsoons can contribute to prolonged pollution episodes.
  • The combination of stagnant air and temperature inversions traps pollutants in the atmosphere.

Air Quality in Winter:

  • Scientists from the National Institute of Advanced Science (NIAS) predict severe winter pollution due to delayed monsoons and La Niña.
  • With fewer weather disturbances during La Niña, pollutants like PM 2.5 and PM 10 accumulate, especially in northern India.

Sources of Pollution:

  • Key sources include vehicular emissions, industrial activities, and stubble burning.
  • La Niña’s calm atmospheric conditions slow the dispersal of pollutants, worsening air quality.

PM 2.5 and PM 10 Levels:

  • The article highlights a potential increase in PM 2.5 and PM 10 levels due to a combination of climatic factors and seasonal stubble burning.

Challenges in Addressing Pollution

Overemphasis on Dust and PM 10:

  • There has been an overemphasis on larger pollutants like PM 10, while finer particles such as PM 2.5 pose more serious health risks.
  • Misallocation of resources and policy focus has hampered efforts to mitigate pollution effectively.

Policy and Technological Shortfalls:

  • Framing of emission reduction policies has been insufficient.
  • Reliance on fossil fuels and the burning of biomass continues to worsen air quality.

Predictions and Future Outlook

Air Quality in Delhi:

  • Predictions for winter indicate that air quality may worsen due to a longer and more severe winter.
  • NAS-SAFAR model suggests that this could be one of the most polluted winters in recent years.

Role of Meteorological Factors:

  • Strong winds may reduce pollution in some cases, but overall, weather patterns are expected to exacerbate pollution.
  • This poses additional health risks to residents of Delhi and other northern states.

Potential Solutions

  • Stringent Policy Implementation: Policies focusing on reducing emissions from key sectors such as transport, industry, and agriculture need stronger enforcement.
  • Technology for Mitigation: Investments in technologies such as air purification systems, electric vehicles, and alternative energy sources can help reduce pollution.
  • Community Awareness and Participation: Awareness campaigns on the health effects of pollution can encourage community-level initiatives.


The delayed La Niña effect, combined with stagnant air and temperature inversions, poses a significant challenge for air quality in India, particularly in urban areas. As pollution levels are predicted to rise, effective policy measures, public awareness, and technological interventions will be critical to mitigate the adverse effects on health and the environment.

Multiple choice question:

  1. Consider the following statements regarding La Niña and its impact on the Indian climate:
  1. La Niña typically leads to cooler-than-normal sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean.
  2. La Niña is associated with weaker monsoons and reduced rainfall in India.
  3. La Niña can lead to increased air pollution in North India due to temperature inversions and stagnant air conditions.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: C


La Niña leads to cooler-than-normal sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean.

La Niña typically strengthens the Indian monsoon, leading to more rainfall.

La Niña can contribute to stagnant air conditions and temperature inversions in winter, exacerbating air pollution in northern India.



The Indian government recently lifted the ban on the export of non-basmati white rice but imposed a Minimum Export Price (MEP) of $490 per tonne. This decision comes after a marginal dip in rice production last year and other factors that influenced the ban in the first place. The change is expected to impact both domestic and global rice markets, influencing prices and trade dynamics.

Why was the ban imposed?

  • Marginal dip in production: The export ban was originally imposed due to a slight reduction in rice output, which raised concerns about food security. It aimed to control domestic supply and prevent inflation of rice prices.
  • Erratic monsoon: Unpredictable monsoon patterns threatened rice production, leading to cautionary measures like banning exports.

Reasons for lifting the ban now:

  • Higher Sowing: With a favourable monsoon this year, there has been increased sowing activity. Farmers have reported more planting, with data indicating a total of 413.50 lakh hectares, a 2.2% increase compared to the previous year.
  • Record Production: The Agriculture Ministry estimates that India’s total rice production during 2023-24 will reach 137.82 million tonnes, 1.5% higher than last year. This rise in output has eased concerns over domestic supply.
  • Stable Prices: Wholesale rice prices have also declined, reflecting the improved supply situation. The wholesale price index for rice was recorded at Rs 3,324.99 per quintal, lower than the Rs 3,597.99 reported a month ago.
  • Surplus Stocks: India has substantial stockpiles of rice, including non-basmati varieties. The Central rice stock pool stood at 323.11 lakh tonnes as of September 1. This surplus allows for the resumption of exports without significant risk to domestic markets.

Likely Impacts of the Move:

  • Global Market Supply: India is the world’s second-largest rice exporter, and lifting the export ban will significantly impact global markets.
  • Non-basmati rice, which accounted for 25% of India’s total rice exports, is expected to return to international markets, easing the supply shortage in several countries.
  • Price Effects: While the MEP of $490 per tonne will regulate exports, it may still lead to price volatility in international markets. However, the increase in global supply is expected to stabilize prices over time.
  • Impact on Indian Farmers: Indian farmers, particularly those producing premium non-basmati varieties, will benefit from the resumption of exports as they can now access international markets and earn higher prices for their produce.
  • Domestic Consumer Concerns: For domestic consumers, there may be concerns about potential price increases as the demand for exports rises. However, the government has ensured that rice stocks remain adequate, and measures like the MEP aim to prevent significant price hikes.
  • Competitors in Global Markets: India’s main competitors in rice exports, particularly Thailand and Vietnam, may face increased competition as Indian rice returns to the global market. In the 2023 season, these two countries accounted for significant portions of global rice exports, but India’s return could shift the dynamics.

India’s Rice Export Landscape:

  • Broad categories of exports: India’s rice exports are broadly categorized into basmati and non-basmati varieties.
  • In 2023-24, basmati rice accounted for about 45.61 lakh tonnes, while non-basmati white rice exports had dipped due to the ban.
  • Major Export Destinations: Indian non-basmati rice is exported to various countries, including Nepal, Bangladesh, and parts of Africa.
  • Vietnam and Thailand are India’s major competitors in the non-basmati rice market.
  • Growth in Exports: There has been a notable jump in the export of husked (brown) rice, with shipments increasing by 301.31 lakh tonnes in 2023-24.
  • Broken rice and other rice in husk also saw fluctuations due to the restrictions, but exports are expected to stabilize as the ban is lifted.

International Treaties and Policies Related to Import and Export of Agricultural Products

WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

  • Result of the Uruguay Round negotiations.
  • Aims to reform trade in agriculture and make policies more market-oriented.
  • Focuses on reducing subsidies, lowering trade barriers, and ensuring transparency and predictability in agricultural trade.
  • India is a signatory to the WTO AoA.

Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures

  • Aims to protect human, animal, and plant life from risks related to pests, diseases, and contaminants in food and agricultural products.
  • Provides guidelines for food safety and biosecurity to facilitate safe trade.
  • India is a participant in this agreement.


The decision to lift the ban on non-basmati white rice exports is a strategic move by India to balance domestic needs and international demand. With increased production, stable prices, and surplus stocks, India is well-positioned to resume its role as a major rice exporter, benefiting both farmers and international trade partners while ensuring that domestic consumers remain protected from significant price fluctuations.

Multiple choice question

  1. Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AOA)?
  2. The AoA was a result of the Uruguay Round negotiations aimed at making agricultural trade more market-oriented.
  3. The AoA focuses on reducing agricultural subsidies and lowering trade barriers for agricultural products.
  4. India is not a signatory to the WTO Agreement on Agriculture.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 1 and 3 only
  3. 2 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: A

The AoA was a result of the Uruguay Round negotiations aimed at making agricultural trade more market-oriented.

The AoA focuses on reducing agricultural subsidies and lowering trade barriers for agricultural products.

India is a signatory to the WTO Agreement on Agriculture.



A recent study has revealed the possibility of Earth surviving the death of the Sun, offering fascinating insights into the fate of planets orbiting dying stars.

The research focuses on a rocky planet orbiting a white dwarf star, giving scientists clues about what might happen to Earth in the distant future.


  • Observation of a Rocky Planet: Astronomers discovered a rocky planet, 1.9 times larger than Earth, orbiting a white dwarf star, 4,200 light-years away. The study, published in Nature Astronomy, highlights how planets can remain in orbit even after their stars have died.
  • The Sun’s Future: The Sun is predicted to become a white dwarf after it expands into a red giant, shedding its outer layers. This will happen over the next several billion years, as the Sun depletes its nuclear fuel and loses mass.
  • Planetary Survival: The planet observed survived the death of its star and continues to orbit the white dwarf. This discovery hints that Earth, although severely affected, might also survive the Sun’s transition into a white dwarf. However, the planet would become cold and barren, possibly unable to sustain life.

Formation of a Star

  • Cloud Dust (Stellar Nursery): Stars begin forming in vast clouds of gas and dust known as “stellar nurseries” (e.g., Orion Nebula). Turbulence within these clouds creates denser regions, initiating gravitational collapse to form a protostar.
  • Protostar: A protostar is the early stage of star formation, where the core becomes dense and hot. It attracts surrounding gas and dust, eventually becoming a young star.
  • T Tauri Star: A T Tauri star is a young star still contracting before reaching the main sequence. These stars show strong stellar winds and variations in brightness.

Main Sequence Stars

  • Main Sequence Phase: Stars spend most of their life in the main sequence phase, where nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium occurs in their cores. Our Sun is currently a main sequence star.
  • Equilibrium: Main sequence stars are in hydrostatic equilibrium, where the inward pull of gravity is balanced by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion in the core.
  • Fusion: Nuclear fusion in the core sustains the star, converting hydrogen into helium. This is the longest and most stable phase of a star’s life.
  • Lifespan: The lifespan of a main sequence star depends on its mass:
    • Massive stars burn fuel quickly and live only for a few million years.
    • Smaller stars, such as red dwarfs, can last for tens of billions of years.

Death of a Star

  • Red Giant/Supergiant Phase:
    When a star exhausts its hydrogen, it expands into a red giant or supergiant. Helium fusion begins in the core, and hydrogen fusion continues in outer layers. The Sun will become a red giant in about 5 billion years.
  • Planetary Nebula:
    In stars like the Sun, outer layers are ejected, forming a glowing shell of gas and dust called a planetary nebula. The remaining core becomes a white dwarf.
  • White Dwarf:
    A white dwarf is the leftover core of a star. It no longer undergoes fusion but remains hot and dense. These remnants are stable due to electron pressure, provided their mass is under the Chandrasekhar limit (1.4 solar masses).

Stellar Explosions

  • Nova Explosion: In binary star systems, white dwarfs can pull in hydrogen from a companion star, leading to nuclear fusion and a bright explosion called a nova.
  • Supernova Explosion: Massive stars (more than 8 solar masses) end their lives in supernova explosions. When the core collapses, it creates a shockwave and an explosion, leaving behind either a neutron star or a black hole.

Neutron Stars and Black Holes

  • Neutron Stars: Stars with cores between 1.4 and 3 solar masses collapse into neutron stars, incredibly dense objects primarily composed of neutrons.
  • Pulsars and Magnetars: Some neutron stars emit radiation beams, which, if observed from Earth, appear as pulsars. Magnetars are neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields.
  • Black Holes: If the stellar core is more than 3 solar masses, it collapses into a black hole, an entity with such intense gravity that not even light can escape.

Chandrasekhar Limit: Key Points

The Chandrasekhar Limit is the maximum mass (approximately 1.4 solar masses) that a white dwarf can have before it becomes unstable and cannot support itself against gravitational collapse.

  • Named after Indian astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, who calculated this limit in 1930.

White Dwarfs:

  • White dwarfs are remnants of stars that have exhausted their nuclear fuel and expelled their outer layers.
  • They are supported by electron degeneracy pressure, which arises from the Pauli exclusion principle.

Implications of Exceeding the Limit:

  • If a white dwarf’s mass exceeds the Chandrasekhar Limit, it cannot maintain stability and will collapse.
  • This collapse can lead to two possible outcomes:
  • Type Ia Supernova: If the white dwarf is part of a binary system and accretes mass from a companion star, it may eventually undergo a thermonuclear explosion, resulting in a Type Ia supernova.
  • Neutron Star or Black Hole Formation: If the core’s mass exceeds the limit after collapse, it can become a neutron star or a black hole.

Astrophysical Significance:

  • The Chandrasekhar Limit plays a crucial role in understanding stellar evolution, particularly the end stages of low to medium-mass stars.
  • It helps explain the processes leading to supernovae and the formation of more dense remnants in the universe.

The study opens new avenues for understanding the life cycles of stars and the potential fates of their orbiting planets. While Earth may survive the Sun’s eventual demise, it would likely become an inhospitable, frozen world. These findings help scientists refine their predictions about planetary systems and the evolution of stars.

Multiple choice question:

  1. Identify the correct matches among the following celestial objects:
  1. Cepheids: Massive clouds of dust and gas in the universe.
  2. Nebulae: Stars that exhibit periodic brightening and dimming.
  3. Pulsars: Neutron stars resulting from the collapse of massive stars after exhausting their fuel.

How many of the above descriptions are accurately paired with the respective celestial objects?

  1. Only one
  2. Only two
  3. All three
  4. None

Answer: A


Cepheids: This description is incorrect. Cepheid variables are not giant clouds of dust and gas; they are a type of variable star that pulsates regularly, leading to variations in brightness. They are often used as standard candles in astronomy to measure distances.

Nebulae: This description is also incorrect. Nebulae are not stars; they are large clouds of gas and dust in space. Some nebulae are regions where new stars are forming, while others are remnants of dead or dying stars.

Pulsars: This description is correct. Pulsars are indeed neutron stars formed from the remnants of massive stars that have undergone supernova explosions. They emit beams of radiation that can be detected as they rotate.



India’s space programme, led by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), has made significant strides, particularly with missions like Chandrayaan-3. However, despite these achievements, the programme faces challenges due to limited resources.

The global space race is heating up, with countries aiming for significant commercial and geopolitical gains, especially with lunar exploration.

Challenges Faced by Global Space Missions:

  • In July, NASA cancelled its Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover (VIPER) mission to the moon. This mission, meant to explore water-ice in the moon’s south pole, was cancelled due to delays and cost overruns.
  • VIPER’s cancellation drew the attention of international space communities, as it was set to play a key role in NASA’s Artemis Accords, which aim to establish a lunar exploration framework involving multiple nations, including India.
  • The cancellation of such a high-profile mission underscores the time and financial costs associated with lunar exploration, even for well-funded agencies like NASA.

India’s Response to Lunar Exploration:

  • India, through ISRO, achieved a significant milestone with the successful Chandrayaan-3 mission in August 2023. India became part of an elite group of countries capable of autonomous lunar soft landings.
  • The next step for India’s lunar programme is Chandrayaan-4, a sample-return mission approved by the Union Cabinet in September 2023. However, there is concern that India is missing key opportunities in the evolving lunar race.

India’s Missed Opportunities:

  • Unlike other space agencies, ISRO tends to focus on one major mission at a time, which optimises resource use but limits its ability to pursue multiple high-profile missions simultaneously.
  • A significant opportunity was missed when ISRO could not immediately push for the approval of its planned Lunar Polar Explorer mission in collaboration with Japan. This mission, if prioritised, could have filled the gap left by NASA’s cancelled VIPER mission, particularly in prospecting for water-ice deposits on the moon.
  • India’s participation in the global lunar exploration race could have been enhanced if ISRO had the capability to respond quickly to emerging opportunities like VIPER’s cancellation.

Need for More Resources in India’s Space Programme:

  • Despite receiving an expanding budget and new funding mechanisms, ISRO’s resources remain limited compared to other major space agencies.
  • The Chandrayaan-3 mission demonstrated India’s capabilities, but to maintain momentum and keep up with international developments, ISRO needs increased investment. This will allow it to conduct multiple flagship missions in parallel and contribute more significantly to global initiatives like the Artemis Accords.
  • With more resources, India could increase its geopolitical and commercial influence in the space sector, particularly in areas like lunar exploration, where new discoveries, such as water-ice, hold potential for future human settlements.


India’s space programme has achieved significant milestones, such as the successful Chandrayaan-3 mission. However, the global space race is intensifying, particularly in lunar exploration. While ISRO has been efficient with its resources, its inability to execute multiple flagship missions at once is a limitation. To fully realise its potential and keep pace with international competitors, ISRO needs increased funding and resources. This will enable India to not only maintain its current trajectory but also respond to new opportunities and enhance its role in the evolving space landscape.



India is taking significant strides to enhance its presence in the field of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) as part of its clean energy objectives. With private sector interest in establishing SMRs at specific sites, this initiative is pivotal for boosting the country’s nuclear energy competitiveness.

What Are Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)?

SMRs are advanced nuclear reactors that can generate power up to 300 megawatts (MW) per unit, which is about one-third of the capacity of conventional nuclear reactors.


  • Size: They are considerably smaller than traditional nuclear power plants.
  • Modularity: SMRs can be pre-assembled in factories, making them easier to transport and install at various locations.
  • Functionality: These reactors utilize nuclear fission to produce heat, which is then converted into electricity.

Differences from Conventional Nuclear Power Plants:

  • Lower Risk: Smaller core damage frequency and radioactive contamination risk.
  • Simpler Design: Include more passive safety features, reducing the chance of uncontrolled radioactive releases.
  • Less Spent Fuel: Generate lower amounts of spent nuclear fuel.

India’s Global Leadership Aspirations

  • Strategic Role: India aims to lead the SMR market to aid its clean energy transition and use this technology to enhance its foreign policy.
  • Opportunities: With challenges faced by countries like Russia and China in expanding their SMR programs, India has the chance to position itself as a reliable alternative in the international market.

Exploring Feasibility and Private Sector Engagement

  • Regulatory Discussions: The Indian government is evaluating the potential for deploying SMRs under the Atomic Energy Act of 1962.
  • Inclusive Approach: There is an emphasis on involving private companies and startups, indicating a more collaborative approach in India’s civil nuclear sector.

SMRs and Energy Flexibility

  • Base Load Power: SMRs can provide stable base load power, essential for supporting renewable energy sources and mitigating the challenges posed by their intermittent output.
  • Adaptability: Their compact design makes SMRs suitable for smaller grids and decentralized power systems, contributing to carbon-neutral energy solutions.

India’s Competence in SMR Development

  • Historical Expertise: India has a strong foundation in developing smaller reactors, which gives it a competitive edge in the SMR market.
  • Cost-Effective Production: The country’s capabilities in producing and operating reactors efficiently enhance its potential in the SMR domain, especially with support from nations like the U.S. for financing and technology sharing.

Current Trends in the Global Nuclear Industry

  • Declining Output: The global nuclear energy sector is experiencing a reduction in output due to safety issues, policy changes, and the growing popularity of renewable energy.
  • Market Gaps: As countries like the U.S., France, and Germany scale back their nuclear initiatives, new technologies like SMRs are emerging as viable options.

Advantages of SMR Technology

  • Manufacturing Efficiency: SMRs can be built in controlled factory environments, which shortens construction time and cuts costs—two significant concerns with larger reactors.
  • Commercial Viability: This adaptability positions SMRs as a practical solution in the contemporary nuclear energy landscape.

Challenges to SMR Adoption

  • Nuclear Power Privatization: The shift towards privatizing nuclear power necessitates stringent safeguards to prevent the misuse of nuclear materials.
  • Proliferation Risks: The first-generation SMRs, which will utilize low-enriched uranium and be assembled on-site, could raise concerns about the potential for nuclear proliferation, particularly with frequent refueling and plutonium production.
  • Financial Considerations: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) suggests that certain reactor designs might increase capital costs. Future SMRs may require more enriched uranium or advanced technologies, resulting in higher operational expenses.
  • Electricity Pricing: The inherent fixed costs and stringent safety protocols of nuclear reactors may mean that the power generated by SMRs is not significantly cheaper.


India’s strategic move towards Small Modular Reactors represents a crucial component of its clean energy ambitions. By leveraging its historical expertise, engaging the private sector, and addressing the challenges associated with SMR deployment, India aims to establish itself as a leader in the global nuclear energy market.

As the world moves toward cleaner energy solutions, India’s initiative in SMRs could play a pivotal role in meeting energy demands sustainably while enhancing the country’s technological standing on the global stage.



A genomic study conducted by researchers from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) has revealed significant insights into the genetic diversity of Indian elephants.

By analyzing the genomes of these majestic animals, the study tracks their historical migrations across India, uncovering a decline in genetic diversity over time.

Key Findings

Migration Patterns and Genetic Divergence

Distinct Populations: The research identified five genetically unique populations of elephants in India.

  • The northern population diverged first, approximately 70,000 years ago.
  • The central population followed, splitting around 50,000 years ago.
    • The southern populations diverged last, about 20,000 years ago.

Loss of Genetic Diversity

  • Serial Founder Effect: As elephants migrated southward, they experienced a loss of genetic diversity, primarily due to the “serial founder effect.” This phenomenon occurs when a small group of individuals establishes a new population, carrying only a fraction of the genetic diversity of the larger original population.
  • Vulnerability of Southern Populations: The southernmost elephant population, located south of the Shencottah Gap, is particularly vulnerable, with fewer than 150 elephants remaining.

Southern Elephant Populations

  • The study reshapes previous notions about elephant dispersal in the Western Ghats.
  • It identified three distinct populations in the south:
    1. North of the Palghat Gap.
    2. Between the Palghat and Shencottah Gaps.
    3. South of the Shencottah Gap.

Northern and Central Populations

  • The northern elephant population is found along the foothills of the Himalayas.
  • Central Indian elephants inhabit areas from southwestern West Bengal to eastern Maharashtra, representing another distinct genetic group.
  • Natural barriers like the Ganga and Brahmaputra rivers further delineate these populations.

Conservation Implications

  • Increased Risk of Inbreeding: The reduced genetic diversity among southern elephant populations heightens the risks of inbreeding and potential extinction.
  • Need for Conservation Strategies: The findings emphasize the necessity for tailored conservation strategies and the importance of maintaining habitat connectivity, particularly in the Western Ghats, where infrastructure development poses a threat to genetic flow.

Future Directions

  • The research team aims to develop a genetic toolkit for improved monitoring of elephant populations and individual identification in the wild, enhancing conservation efforts.

Ecological Significance of Elephants

  • Ecosystem Engineers: Elephants play a crucial role in their ecosystems as grazers and browsers. They consume vast amounts of vegetation daily and help in seed dispersal.
  • Vegetation Management: By creating clearings and gaps in forests, elephants allow sunlight to reach new seedlings, facilitating plant growth and forest regeneration.
  • Water Access: During dry spells, elephants dig for water, creating access points for themselves and other wildlife.

Status of Elephants in India

  • Population Statistics: India hosts the largest population of wild Asian elephants, with an estimated 29,964 individuals according to the 2017 Project Elephant census.
  • Global Contribution: This number represents about 60% of the global Asian elephant population.
  • Regional Distribution: Karnataka has the highest number of elephants, followed by Assam and Kerala.


The study underscores the pressing need to address the loss of genetic diversity in Indian elephants due to historical migration patterns. It highlights the importance of targeted conservation strategies to protect these vulnerable populations, ensuring their survival and ecological role in India’s diverse landscapes.



In 2024, India’s trade relationship with the United States continued to flourish, with bilateral goods trade exceeding $190 billion.

Notably, Indian exports saw substantial growth despite the U.S. withdrawal of Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) benefits, demonstrating the resilience of trade relations between the two countries.

Key facts:

Bilateral Trade Performance: The U.S. maintained its status as India’s top trading partner during the January-July 2024 period, with bilateral goods trade surpassing $190 billion.

Indian Exports to the U.S.:

  • Indian exports to the U.S. increased by 3%, amounting to $48.2 billion in the same period.
  • Key exports from India included: Garments, Textiles, Pharmaceuticals, Precious stones, Smartphones, Mineral fuels

Imports from the U.S.:

  • Conversely, India’s imports from the U.S. decreased by 5%, falling from $25.9 billion to $24.6 billion.
  • Major imports from the U.S. consisted of: Mineral fuels, Machinery, Aircraft, Chemicals, Edible fruits
  • Growth in Total Exports: India’s total exports to the U.S., including services, grew significantly from $83.2 billion in 2018 to $120.1 billion in 2023.
  • Impact of GSP Withdrawal: The U.S.’s withdrawal of the GSP scheme for Indian exporters had a minimal economic impact, indicating the robustness of the trading relationship.

Overall, the data highlights the strong and resilient trade ties between India and the U.S., despite challenges such as changes in trade policies.



The closure of the Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power plant in the U.K. marks a significant turning point in the country’s energy landscape.

This event signifies the end of 142 years of coal-powered electricity generation, as the U.K. shifts towards a more sustainable and renewable energy future.

The government’s ambitious goal aims for a complete transition to renewable power generation by 2030.

Key Details of the Closure

Government Goals:

  • The U.K. government views this closure as a crucial step in its commitment to achieving 100% renewable energy generation by 2030.
  • The move places the U.K. at the forefront of global efforts to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Historical Context

Decline of Coal Usage:

  • In 1990, coal was responsible for about 80% of Britain’s electricity supply.
  • By 2023, coal’s contribution has drastically fallen to just 1%, showcasing a major shift in energy consumption patterns.

Renewable Energy Growth:

  • More than half of Britain’s electricity is now generated from renewable sources, reflecting a growing investment in wind, solar, and other sustainable technologies.

Implications of the Closure

Environmental Impact:

  • The closure is expected to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with coal combustion.
  • It aligns with the U.K.’s climate commitments under international agreements to limit global warming.

Economic Considerations:

  • The transition from coal to renewable energy sources may lead to changes in the job market, with potential retraining opportunities for displaced coal workers in the renewable sector.
  • Investments in renewable energy infrastructure may stimulate economic growth and create new employment opportunities.


The shutdown of the Ratcliffe-on-Soar coal-fired power plant represents a monumental step in the U.K.’s journey towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. As the country aims for a complete transition to renewable energy by 2030, this milestone reinforces the U.K.’s position as a leader in global efforts to combat climate change. The closure not only reflects a shift in energy production but also signifies a broader commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.


October 1
7:00 am - 11:30 pm
Event Category:
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