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July 20 @ 7:00 am - 11:30 pm



The discussion on unemployment in India highlights conflicting reports and methodologies used by various institutions, creating confusion about the true extent of unemployment. The governments narrative and data from rbi, citigroup, and cmie present diverse perspectives. 

Conflicting Data Sources 

  • KLEMS data: Recently cited by the government, it is not an independent employment source but relies on older data (NSSO surveys, PLFS). 
  • SBI data: Counters negative reports by presenting high employment figures based on ASUSE surveys. However, ASUSE data itself relies on outdated Census data (2011) and may not reflect economic shocks (demonetization, GST). 
  • CMIE data: A private source providing lower employment figures. The difference arises from defining who is “employed” (CMIE uses stricter ILO definition). 

Reasons for Discrepancies 

  • Complex economic structure: India’s vast unorganized sector (94% of workforce) makes data collection challenging. 
  • Outdated data: Reliance on pre-2016 Census data and ASUSE surveys with limited sample size creates inaccuracies. 
  • Economic shocks: Demonetization, GST, NBFC crisis, and COVID-19 significantly impacted the unorganized sector, rendering old data irrelevant. 

Public Confusion 

  • Discrepancies between data sources (e.g., KLEMS vs. CMIE). 
  • Different methodologies and definitions lead to varying employment figures. 


Unemployment refers to people who are capable and willing to work, but are currently unable to find a job. 

The working-age population refers to the portion of a population that is generally considered old enough and able-bodied to work, which is 15-64 years 


Frictional Unemployment: This is temporary, short-term unemployment that occurs naturally as people move between jobs. It’s caused by factors like quitting a job to search for a better one, getting laid off, or entering the workforce for the first time. 

Structural Unemployment: This arises from a mismatch between the skills employers need and the skills workers possess. Technological advancements, globalization, and industry shifts can cause structural unemployment. 

Cyclical Unemployment: This is caused by fluctuations in the business cycle. During economic downturns, businesses may cut back on production and lay off workers, leading to higher unemployment rates. 

Measuring Unemployment: 

  • Labor Force: The foundation of unemployment measurement is the labour force. This includes everyone who is either employed or actively seeking work, which means who are ready to do work.      
  • (Labour force=employed + unemployed, actively seeking for work) 
  • Unemployment Rate: This key statistic reflects the percentage of the labour force that is unemployed. It’s calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the total labour force and multiplying by 100. 

Activity Status: 

To determine if someone is part of the labor force, we need to consider their “activity status” during a specific period. This refers to their involvement in economic or non-economic activities. 

The National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) in India classifies activity status into three categories: 

  • Working (Employed): Individuals engaged in economic activity. 
  • Seeking or Available for Work (Unemployed): Those actively searching for employment. 
  • Neither Seeking nor Available for Work: This category falls outside the labour force. 


The varied reports and methodologies underscore the complexity of measuring unemployment in India. Clear, consistent, and comprehensive data collection methods are crucial for accurate employment assessment. The need for refined and reliable data becomes evident to address the issue effectively. 

Multiple Choice Question: 

  1. Consider the following statements regarding types of unemployment:
  1. Cyclical Unemployment occurs due to fluctuations in the business cycle, such as recessions and booms. 
  1. Frictional Unemployment is the result of people transitioning between jobs or entering the workforce for the first time. 
  1. Structural Unemployment occurs when workers’ skills do not match the jobs available in the market. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 and 2 only 
  1. 2 and 3 only 
  1. 1 and 3 only 
  1. 1, 2, and 3 

Answer: D 


Cyclical unemployment happens due to economic downturns, such as during recessions, when demand for goods and services decreases, leading to job losses. 

Frictional unemployment occurs when individuals are temporarily unemployed while transitioning from one job to another or entering the workforce for the first time. 

Structural unemployment occurs when there is a long-term mismatch between the skills of workers and the jobs available, often due to technological changes or shifts in the economy. 



The Uttarakhand High Court’s recent judgment marks a significant implementation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Act, allowing protection to an interfaith couple in a live-in relationship, contingent on mandatory registration under the new Act. 

Case Details 

Parties Involved: A 26-year-old Hindu woman and a 21-year-old Muslim man in a live-in relationship. 

Court’s Judgment 

  • Mandatory Registration: Under Section 378(1) of the UCC, live-in partners must submit a statement of their relationship to the registrar. 
  • Penalties for Non-compliance: Failure to register may result in up to three months’ imprisonment or a fine of up to ₹10,000, or both. 
  • Protection Order: The court ordered protection for the couple for six weeks if they apply for registration within 48 hours. 

Legal Context 

  • Article 21: The advocate highlighted that Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees protection of life and personal liberty. 
  • Pending Challenges: Petitions challenging the UCC are pending before the Supreme Court. 

Registration Issues 

  • Technical Difficulties: The couple faced technical issues when applying for registration at the marriage registrar’s office. 


The Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is a proposal to formulate a common set of laws governing personal matters (like marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption) applicable to all Indian citizens regardless of their religion.  

Currently, different religious communities have their own personal laws based on their religious scriptures and customs. 

Constitutional Provisions: 

  • The UCC finds mention in Article 44 of the Indian Constitution under the Directive Principles of State Policy. It states: 
  • “The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India.” 


  • However, it’s important to note that Directive Principles are not enforceable by law. They are guidelines for the state to strive towards in creating laws. 

Uniform Civil Code in Goa and Uttarakhand 

  • Goa: 

Unique among Indian states, Goa retained a common family law, the Goa Civil Code, from its time as a Portuguese colony. This made Goa the only Indian state with a Uniform Civil Code before 2024. 

  • Uttarakhand: 

On February 7, 2024, Uttarakhand’s Legislative Assembly passed the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) Bill. 

The bill received presidential assent from President Droupadi Murmu on March 13, 2024. 

Personal Laws 

  • Laws applied to specific groups based on religion, caste, faith, and belief. 
  • Formulated considering customs and religious texts. 
  • Sources: Hindu and Muslim personal laws derive from ancient religious texts. 

Uniform Civil Code (UCC) 


  • Protect vulnerable sections such as women and religious minorities, as envisaged by B.R. Ambedkar. 
  • Promote national unity and a nationalistic spirit. 

Simplification of Laws: 

  • Aims to consolidate and simplify existing personal laws segregated by religion, such as the Hindu code bill and Shariat law. 
  • Will standardize laws related to marriage, inheritance, succession, and adoption, making them uniform for all citizens. 


  • The same civil laws will apply to all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs. 


The Uttarakhand High Court’s decision underscores the legal implications of the newly enforced UCC Act and highlights the judiciary’s role in safeguarding individual rights amid ongoing legal challenges. 

Multiple Choice Question: 

  1. Which of the following rights is/are guaranteed by Article 21 of the Indian Constitution?
  1. Right to Shelter 
  1. Right to Livelihood 
  1. Right to Privacy 

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: 

  1. 1 and 2 only 
  1. 2 and 3 only 
  1. 1 and 3 only 
  1. 1, 2, and 3 




Right to Shelter: Recognized by the Supreme Court as a part of the right to life under Article 21. 

Right to Livelihood: Interpreted by the Supreme Court as part of the right to life and personal liberty. 

Right to Privacy: Declared by the Supreme Court as an intrinsic part of the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21. 



A major disruption in Microsoft Corp’s cloud services caused significant downtime for businesses worldwide, including India. The issue stemmed from a faulty software update in CrowdStrike for Windows systems. 

Preliminary Cause: 

  • Configuration change in Azure backend workloads. 
  • Connectivity failures affecting 365 services. 

Software Issue: 

  • A software update in CrowdStrike, deeply embedded in Windows, caused the outage. 

Global Impact: 

  • Aviation, banking, and businesses experienced major disruptions. 


  • Aviation sector hit hardest; flights delayed and operations manual. 
  • Banks and NBFCs faced issues, resolved over time. 
  • Specific airlines like Indigo, Air India, and SpiceJet faced operational impacts. 

Government Response 

  • Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY): Maintained communication with Microsoft and nodal cyber agency issued an advisory. 
  • RBI Statement: Financial sector insulated from the cloud outage. 


Imagine a thief trying to steal something valuable from your computer. A cyber-attack is similar! It’s when someone uses a computer or the internet to try to harm another computer system or steal information. Hackers are the “thieves” in this case, and they use different tricks to gain access to your system. 

Types of Cyber Attacks  

  • Virus: Think of it like a computer sickness. A virus can spread from one computer to another, stealing information or messing things up. (Example: Clicking on a suspicious link in an email might download a virus) 
  • Worm: Like a mischievous virus, a worm spreads quickly too. But instead of stealing information, it might use up your computer’s resources, making it slow or crash. 
  • Trojan Horse: Remember the story of the Trojan Horse? Hackers use software that looks harmless but hides a nasty surprise. Once you open it, it can steal information or damage your system. (Example: Downloading a fake game that actually installs malware) 
  • Phishing: This is like tricking someone into opening the door for a thief. Hackers send emails or messages that appear to be from someone you trust (like a bank) and try to steal your personal information like passwords or credit card details. (Example: An email asking you to “verify your account” with a fake bank website link) 
  • Malware: This is a general term for any malicious software, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses. Think of it as a toolbox full of nasty tricks hackers use to attack computers. 


  • High Number of Attacks: India experiences a significant number of cyber attacks annually. Reports suggest millions of incidents are recorded each year. 
  • Vulnerable Infrastructure: Both critical infrastructure (power grids, transportation) and the financial sector face a high risk of attacks from cybercriminals aiming to disrupt services or steal money. 
  • Data Breaches: As India embraces the digital economy, a growing amount of personal and government data is stored online, increasing the risk of data breaches. 
  • Cyber Espionage: Foreign actors might attempt to steal sensitive information through cyber-attacks. 
  • Shortage of Cybersecurity Professionals: India needs a skilled workforce to combat cyber threats, but there’s a gap between the demand and availability of trained professionals. 
  • Outdated Systems: Outdated software and hardware can leave systems more vulnerable to attack. 


  • Government Initiatives: The Indian government is taking steps to improve cybersecurity by formulating policies, promoting awareness campaigns, and encouraging collaboration between public and private sectors. 
  • Growing Cybersecurity Industry: The demand for cybersecurity solutions and services is creating a booming industry in India, offering employment opportunities and promoting innovation. 
  • Increased Awareness: As cyber threats become more common, people and businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of cybersecurity, leading to more proactive measures. 


The outage highlighted vulnerabilities in integrated software systems and the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. The prompt response from government bodies aimed at mitigating the effects and preventing future incidents. 

Multiple Choice Question: 

  1. Which of the following cyber attacks involves sending deceptive emails to trick individuals into revealing personal information?
  1. Phishing 
  1. Malware 
  1. Ransomware 
  1. Brute Force Attack 

Choose the correct answer from the options below: 

  1. 1 only 
  1. 2 only 
  1. 3 only 
  1. 4 only 



Phishing involves sending deceptive emails to trick individuals into revealing personal information such as passwords or financial details. 

Malware refers to malicious software designed to harm or exploit systems, not specifically related to deceptive emails. 

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s data and demands a ransom for its release. 

Brute Force Attack involves trying multiple passwords or encryption keys to gain unauthorized access, rather than using deceptive tactics. 



India’s capital-goods sector, particularly in electronics, is poised for transformative growth, reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution’s steam engine impact. The country’s electronics production has surged to $115 billion in FY24, with projections to quintuple this figure in the next five years. This growth offers a significant opportunity for India to enhance its global standing in electronics manufacturing. 

Current Status and Future Projections 

  • Electronics market: $4.5 trillion globally, expected to reach $6.1 trillion by 2030. 
  • India’s production to increase fivefold in the next five years. 

Capital Goods Importance 

  • Advanced machinery is crucial for high-quality, efficient electronics production. 
  • Investment in R&D and protection of intellectual property are essential. 

Demand-Supply Gap 

  • Need to close the gap in domestic capital goods supply. 
  • Investment in manufacturing infrastructure required to reduce import dependency. 

Proposed Initiatives 

  • Establish a ₹1,000 crore centre at the Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) for innovation. 
  • Enhance collaboration with industry and academia for technological advancements. 


  • Technology and skill gaps must be addressed. 
  • Need for eco-friendly manufacturing practices and adoption of digital technologies. 


  • Potential for India to develop firms comparable to global leaders like ASML. 
  • Strategic investments in education, technology, and partnerships can boost global competitiveness. 

Contribution in global value chain, exports 

  • Growth and Production: The sector has witnessed significant growth in recent years, with a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13% from $49 billion in FY17 to $101 billion in FY23. This growth is expected to continue, with the government aiming to expand the sector to a whopping $500 billion by 2030. 
  • Exports: India’s electronics exports are also on the rise, contributing a considerable share of 5.32% to India’s total merchandise exports in FY23. This highlights the competitiveness of the sector in the global market. 
  • Global Value Chains (GVCs): A major chunk (nearly 80%) of electronics exports from India are generated through these global value chains. GVCs involve international collaboration across design, production, marketing, and distribution. India is strategically positioned to capitalize on this opportunity, given the supportive domestic policy environment and favorable geopolitical climate. 


Harnessing these opportunities while addressing challenges will position India as a leading player in the global electronics market. 



The anti-quota protests in Bangladesh have intensified, led primarily by students and teachers opposing the reinstatement of a 30% job quota for descendants of those who fought for the nation’s freedom from Pakistan. This has sparked significant unrest, affecting various facets of public life. 

Background of the Protests 

  • Initiation: Protests began in April and escalated significantly by July 15, resulting in violent clashes and extensive injuries. 
  • Main Grievance: Opposition to the reinstatement of a 30% government job quota for freedom fighters and their descendants. 

Government Response 

  • Security Measures: All public gatherings banned, internet services suspended, and news channels restricted. 
  • Appeal to Protesters: Prime Minister’s office urged students to maintain peace, promising to address their concerns. 

Reasons for Protests 

  • Economic Concerns: Job market strain and the perception that the quota system exacerbates unemployment. 
  • Social Impact: Allegations that the quota system perpetuates inequality and undermines meritocracy. 

Historical Context 

  • Previous Quota System: Originally implemented in 1972, extended over time, creating tension among job seekers. 
  • Political Implications: The quota issue has been a recurring theme in Bangladeshi politics, reflecting deeper socio-political divides. 


The anti-quota protests in Bangladesh highlight the ongoing struggle for equitable employment policies in a rapidly changing socio-economic landscape. Addressing these concerns requires a balanced approach that considers both historical contributions and contemporary meritocratic principles. 



Psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, has significant effects on the brain. Recent studies explore how it disrupts and reorganizes neural networks, offering insights into its potential therapeutic uses. 

Effects of Psilocybin on the Brain 

  • Disruption of Neural Networks: Psilocybin causes normally synchronized neurons to become desynchronized, affecting perception and sense of self. 
  • Duration: While most changes last a few hours, disruptions in brain communication can persist for weeks. 

Study Findings 

  • Research Methods: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) tracked brain activity in seven healthy adults before, during, and after consuming psilocybin. 
  • Observed Changes: Significant alterations in the default mode network, which is active during wakeful rest, leading to a shift in focus and perception. 
  • Impact on Brain Functions: Psilocybin redirects attention from usual surroundings, altering perception and sense of self. 

Therapeutic Potential 

  • Neurological Conditions: The findings suggest potential benefits for treating depression, PTSD, and other psychological disorders. 
  • Current Research: Studies continue to explore how psilocybin influences brain function and behavior, highlighting its unique impact compared to other psychedelics. 


Psilocybin’s profound impact on brain activity offers promising avenues for treating various neurological conditions. Understanding its mechanisms can lead to innovative therapeutic approaches, though further research is needed to fully grasp its effects and potential. 



A landmark study involving 32 scientists from 10 countries has, for the first time, directly observed the smaller black hole in a pair within the galaxy OJ 287, located four billion light years away. This discovery sheds new light on black hole interactions and provides significant insights into astronomical phenomena. 

Background and Context 

Galaxy OJ 287: A galaxy located four billion light years away with two black holes at its center. 

  • Previous Theories Suggested by researchers at the University of Turku, Finland, about the presence of two black holes. 

Observational Efforts 

  • TESS Satellite: NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, typically used for exoplanet hunting, monitored OJ 287 in 2021. 
  • Exoplanet Hunting: TESS aims to discover exoplanets around the brightest dwarf stars, having found 410 confirmed exoplanets so far. 

Discovery Process 

  • Brightness Monitoring: TESS monitored the brightness of the primary black hole and its associated jet. 
  • Sudden Burst of Brightness: Indicated the presence of a smaller black hole, predicted by Pauli Pihajoki in 2014. 
  • Direct Observation: Achieved through a 12-hour flare event detected on 12 November 2021. 

Scientific Significance 

  • Accretion Disk Interaction: The smaller black hole “swallows” a slice of the accretion disk around the larger black hole, creating an outward jet of gas. 
  • Colour Change: The brightness shift from red to yellow during the event indicates the smaller black hole’s presence. 

Future Implications 

  • Gravitational Waves: The smaller black hole is expected to emit nano-Hertz gravitational waves, detectable by pulsar timing arrays in the coming years. 
  • Continued Research: Further advancements in observation methods may eventually allow direct imaging of both black holes. 


Small Black Hole 

  • Typically formed from the remnants of a massive star that has undergone a supernova explosion. 
  • These black holes have masses ranging from a few solar masses up to tens of solar masses. 


  • Smaller event horizon compared to larger black holes. 
  • Stronger tidal forces near the event horizon, leading to more extreme conditions for matter falling into the black hole. 

Role in Binary Systems: 

  • When in a binary system with a larger black hole, the smaller black hole can exhibit unique orbital dynamics and accretion behaviour. 
  • Interacts with the larger black hole’s accretion disk, leading to observable phenomena such as flares and bursts of brightness. 

Big Black Hole 

  • Formed through the collapse of supermassive stars or through the merger of smaller black holes. 
  • Found at the centres of galaxies, including the Milky Way. 


  • Masses ranging from hundreds of thousands to billions of solar masses. 
  • Larger event horizons and more extensive influence on their surrounding environment. 

Role in Galaxy Evolution: 

  • Central to the formation and evolution of galaxies, influencing star formation and galactic dynamics. 
  • Actively accretes matter, forming accretion disks and emitting powerful jets and radiation. 


The direct observation of a smaller black hole in a pair marks a significant milestone in astrophysics. This discovery enhances our understanding of black hole dynamics and opens new avenues for studying gravitational waves, contributing to the broader knowledge of cosmic phenomena. 



The establishment of the India Maritime Centre (IMC) is a key initiative under the Maritime India Vision 2030.  

Spearheaded by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways (Mop SW), the IMC aims to strengthen India’s maritime sector by providing a unified platform for collaboration, innovation, and policy advocacy. 

Objectives and Goals 

  • Unified Platform: The IMC will act as a think tank for policy formulation and industry recommendations. 
  • Global Participation: Strengthen India’s role in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and global forums. 
  • Domestic Growth: Foster a robust domestic maritime sector through a synchronized approach. 
  • Flagship Events: Organize events to enhance India’s global maritime brand. 
  • Sustainable Growth: Provide expert analysis and recommendations for sustainable industry growth. 
  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Establish platforms for industry collaboration and networking. 
  • Financial Support: Create a fund pool to support industry initiatives, including startups. 

Development and Operationalization 

  • Task Force Formation: Established in January 2024, divided into subgroups for Awareness, Infrastructure, and Procedures. 
  • Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, chosen as the IMC location, with a building identified at the IMU Campus. 
  • Infrastructure: Renovation plans and space allocation at MTI Campus, Powai, with ongoing discussions for furnishing and an organogram. 


The IMC is poised to be a pivotal institution in advancing India’s maritime interests, both domestically and internationally. By fostering collaboration, driving policy advocacy, and providing expert analysis, the IMC will play a crucial role in shaping the future of India’s maritime sector. 


July 20
7:00 am - 11:30 pm
Event Category: