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November 20, 2024 @ 7:00 am - 11:30 pm


The All-India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968 govern the ethical and professional behavior of civil servants in India, including IAS, IPS, and Indian Forest Service officers. These rules aim to ensure integrity, impartiality, and adherence to constitutional values.

Recent suspensions of IAS officers in Kerala for misconduct on social media and forming a religion-based group have brought these rules into focus.

What are the All-India Services (Conduct) Rules, 1968?

The AIS rules outline the standards of conduct expected from officers to uphold professionalism and constitutional values.

Key Standards Defined

Ethical Conduct: Officers must demonstrate integrity, honesty, and accountability. They should remain politically neutral and ensure transparency in decision-making.

Upholding Constitutional Values: Officers are expected to prioritize and reflect constitutional ideals in their service.

Public Media Engagement: Officers can participate in public discussions professionally. Criticizing government policies or actions on public platforms is prohibited.

Redressal Restrictions: Officers cannot approach the media or courts to defend official actions without prior approval from the government.

General Conduct: Officers must refrain from any behavior considered inappropriate or “unbecoming” of their position, ensuring a high level of decorum.

Challenges with the AIS Rules, 1968

  • Absence of Social Media Guidelines: The rules lack specific provisions for regulating officers’ use of digital platforms. This creates confusion about acceptable behavior in the online space.
  • Ambiguity in ‘Unbecoming Conduct’: The term “unbecoming of a member of the service” is undefined, leaving room for subjective interpretation and inconsistent application.
  • Power Imbalance in Enforcement: Enforcement often depends on senior officials or government authorities, potentially exposing junior officers to misuse of the rules.
  • Complexity in Accountability: Lack of detailed provisions for handling evolving modes of communication complicates holding officers accountable for misconduct.

Role of Civil Services in Democracy

Civil services play a vital role in ensuring efficient governance and safeguarding democratic ideals.

  • Policy Formulation: Civil servants provide expert insights and data to shape public policies.
  • Implementation of Laws: They ensure the practical execution of policies approved by the legislature.
  • Delegated Legislation: Detailed regulations under broad legislative frameworks are crafted by civil servants for smooth governance.
  • Administrative Adjudication: Officers resolve disputes involving citizens, ensuring justice and timely decisions.
  • Stability and Continuity: Civil servants ensure seamless governance during political transitions, maintaining administrative stability.
  • Protectors of National Values: They uphold the nation’s constitutional ideals, ensuring social, economic, and political equity.

Relevant Provisions of Article 311

Article 311 of the Constitution safeguards civil servants by ensuring fair procedures in disciplinary actions.

  • Dismissal Authority (Clause 1): Civil servants cannot be removed or demoted by an authority lower than the one that appointed them.
  • Inquiry Requirement (Clause 2): Officers cannot be dismissed or removed without an inquiry where they are informed of the charges and given a chance to defend themselves.
  • Exceptions to Inquiry:
    • Criminal Conviction: No inquiry is required if the dismissal is based on a criminal conviction.
    • Practical Impossibility: Inquiry can be waived if conducting one is not feasible.
    • National Security: The President or Governor may forgo an inquiry if national security is at risk.

Way Forward

To address modern challenges in governance and uphold ethical standards, the following measures can be adopted:

  • Clear Social Media Guidelines: Explicit rules should define acceptable social media use for civil servants, balancing professional engagement with ethical responsibilities.
  • Clarification of ‘Unbecoming Conduct’: An illustrative list of inappropriate behaviors, drawn from past cases, can help eliminate ambiguity in enforcement.
  • Strengthening Neutrality: Officers should be trained to prioritize impartiality, particularly in the digital age, to maintain public trust in governance.
  • Judicious Social Media Use: Officers must use social media responsibly to promote government initiatives without compromising their neutrality or making personal or partisan remarks.
  • Protections for Junior Officers: Mechanisms should be introduced to protect junior officers from arbitrary or biased actions by senior officials enforcing these rules.
  • Awareness and Training: Regular workshops and awareness programs should be conducted to educate officers about their rights, responsibilities, and the evolving rules.


The AIS rules are critical for maintaining the integrity and impartiality of civil servants. However, modern challenges like social media use and ambiguous clauses necessitate updates to these rules. By fostering ethical governance and addressing the challenges, India’s civil services can continue to strengthen democratic ideals and public trust.


November 20, 2024
7:00 am - 11:30 pm
Event Category: