
RED FLAGS RAISED OVER SILVER IMPORTS FROM UAE THROUGH GIFT CITY  TOPIC: (GS3) ECONOMY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The bullion market in India is experiencing significant disruptions due to the consolidation of silver imports by a few private players. This shift is causing concern about potential revenue losses for the government and the integrity of


STAMPEDE  A stampede is a sudden and uncontrollable mass movement of people, usually triggered by fear, panic, or excitement.   It often results in injuries and fatalities due to crushing and trampling. India has seen several tragic stampedes, especially during religious gatherings and festivals, highlighting the need for better crowd management and safety measures.  What is


CABINET COMMITTEES  The Union government of India recently established eight Cabinet Committees to streamline decision-making and improve governance efficiency. This action was accompanied by changes in oath-taking rules for Members of Parliament (MPs), underscoring the government's commitment to organizational and procedural reforms.  Cabinet Committees  About Cabinet Committees  Definition: Subsets of the Union Cabinet, consisting of


INDIGENOUS HPV VACCINE, THE RHETORIC AND THE REALITY  TOPIC: (GS3) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  India's public health has recently focused on HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. Concerns arise over the lack of competing vaccines, high costs, and overall affordability.  Lack of Competing Vaccines  The absence of other domestic HPV vaccines affects


FLOODS IN INDIA: CAUSES, IMPLICATIONS, AND MANAGEMENT Floods are natural disasters characterized by the overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. They are one of the most common natural disasters worldwide, affecting millions of people and causing significant damage. Causes of Floods: Heavy Rainfall: Intense and prolonged rainfall can overwhelm rivers and drainage


QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES IN INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY The Indian pharmaceutical industry, renowned globally for its affordable generics and significant export market, faces critical challenges in maintaining quality standards. Recent incidents have highlighted lapses in quality control, leading to regulatory actions and international concerns. Causes of Quality Control Failures Regulatory Compliance Issues: Recent inspections by the


INDIA TO RATIFY HIGH SEAS TREATY: WHAT IS THE AGREEMENT — AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE? TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: INDIAN EXPRESS The Indian government has announced its intention to sign and ratify the High Seas Treaty, a significant international agreement aimed at maintaining the ecological health of oceans. The treaty focuses on reducing


SC UPHOLDS MUSLIM WOMEN'S RIGHT TO SEEK MAINTENANCE The Supreme Court of India, in the case of Mohd Abdul Samad v. State of Telangana (2024), dismissed a petition challenging the applicability of Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) to a divorced Muslim woman. This case highlights the ongoing legal discourse around the maintenance


CLASSICAL LANGUAGES AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS The Central government has recently decided to modify the criteria for granting classical language status, based on recommendations from the Linguistics Expert Committee of the Union Culture Ministry. This change aims to better reflect the rich linguistic heritage of India and address the demands of various language groups. What are


WHAT IS A DIVORCED MUSLIM WOMAN’S RIGHT TO MAINTENANCE UNDER THE CRPC? TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: INDIAN EXPRESS The Supreme Court of India recently reaffirmed that Muslim women are entitled to seek maintenance under Section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), a secular legislation, even after divorce under religious personal


MENSTRUAL LEAVES IN INDIA  Menstrual leave is a debated topic in India, focusing on providing female employees with paid time off during their menstruation period.   It aims to address the physical and emotional challenges women face during this time and promote workplace inclusivity.  Current State of Menstrual Leaves in India  Legislative Landscape:  No Central Law:


COOPERATIVES IN INDIA  Cooperatives are people-centered enterprises owned, controlled, and operated by their members to fulfill common economic, social, and cultural needs.  They play a crucial role in promoting inclusive growth, empowering marginalized communities, and fostering economic independence.  Evolution of Cooperatives in India  Historical Development  Pre-Independence Era  Early Legislation: The Cooperative Credit Societies Act of