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RED FLAGS RAISED OVER SILVER IMPORTS FROM UAE THROUGH GIFT CITY  TOPIC: (GS3) ECONOMY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The bullion market in India is experiencing significant disruptions due to the consolidation of silver imports by a few private players. This shift is causing concern about potential revenue losses for the government and the integrity of


INDIA TAKES FIRST STEPS TO MEET 2070 NET-ZERO GOAL, NITI AAYOG FORMS PANELS  In recent developments, NITI Aayog has taken proactive steps towards India's commitment to achieving a net-zero economy by 2070. This initiative follows India's declaration three years ago at global climate summits.   The formation of dedicated multi-sectoral committees aims to devise comprehensive policy


PATENTS IN INDIA  Recently, the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry emphasized that India granted approximately one hundred thousand patents in 2024, indicating a substantial rise in patent approvals.  About Patents  Definition: A patent grants exclusive rights to an inventor or entity over their invention, preventing others from replicating, using, or selling it without permission.