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1. Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India? (150 Words) 10 Marks

1. Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India? (150 Words) 10 Marks

UPSC Coaching

The physical characteristics of a nation heavily influence both its history and the way of life of its citizens. History is considered to have two eyes, one of which is chronology and the other of which is geography.

The physical characteristics of a nation heavily influence both its history and the way of life of its citizens. History is considered to have two eyes, one of which is chronology and the other of which is geography

Geographical Features that shaped our Ancient Indian History

The Mountains (Himalayas) on the North and the Northwest acted as a protective shield from the northern invaders, at the same time ensuring cultural and political stability. It also acted as a route for flourishing trade in spices and other consumables. The mountains also gave way to the explorers to come and go, thereby allowing them to mention about India in their memoirs.

While the rivers (Indus during the Pre-Ancient and Ganges from Ancient to till date) provided the source of agriculture, it also led to settlements and flourishing trade. The settlements along the Indus Valley Civilization/Ganges contributed immensely in the development of civilization along its course, which is till date known to be the oldest civilization.

The Coastal Rivers also contributed immensely towards the history of India. The ports on these lands allowed for cross cultural migrations which is visible even today in the form of Goa, Pondicherry and other island UTs along the west coast.  To name, the ancient port of Lothal/Surat/Mujiris/Machlipatnam was an important trade point to connect with the West and the East.

The deserts also paved for history to be written in golden letters. The land created a buffer zone with the world and with the rest of India, leading to development of unique cultural landscape giving growth to the Rajputana Culture that gave birth to the warrior clans.

The maximum contribution in the form of growth was provided by the Plains (especially the gangetic plains in the ancient times).

All the above mentioned geographical features contributed to the growth of Ancient India, though in varying degrees.

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