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October 31, 2023 @ 7:30 am - 11:30 pm



Recent research conducted by a team at IIT Bombay led by Ananya Sah and C. Subramaniam unveils the creation of carbon nanoflorets capable of converting sunlight into heat with an outstanding 87% efficiency. The unique structure of these nanoflorets and their unparalleled efficiency in solar-thermal conversion are revolutionary for energy-related applications.

Key Discoveries:

Formation of Nanoflorets:

  • Developed through the transformation of white silicon dust into a black carbon structure via a specific furnace-heating technique.
  • The resulting nanoflorets were spherical carbon structures, resembling marigold flowers at a nano-level, formed by cone-shaped pits on the surface.

Unprecedented Efficiency:

  • The research published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces showcased the nanoflorets’ capability to absorb sunlight across multiple frequencies, converting it into heat with an exceptional 87% efficiency.
  • These nanoflorets exhibit a low dissipation of the generated heat into the environment, making them ideal for heating water using solar energy.

Comparison with Previous Work:

  • Although not the first instance of synthesizing carbon nanomaterials, this innovation stands out for its higher efficiency in solar-thermal conversion.
  • The techniques used in this research, particularly the chemical vapor deposition, differ from prior methodologies and demonstrate exceptional efficiency in depositing carbon on the template.

Exceptional Properties:

Unique Light Absorption:

  • Nanoflorets can absorb light across multiple frequencies – infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet – unlike other materials used for solar-thermal conversion.
  • Ability to harness infrared radiation, making it a significantly more efficient light absorber than existing materials.

Heat Conversion & Dissipation:

  • Their structure and shape, composed of carbon cones, ensure minimal light reflection and internal reflection instead of dissipation.
  • Long-range disorder minimizes the dissipation of heat, enhancing the material’s overall efficiency.


The discovery of carbon nanoflorets as an incredibly efficient solar-thermal converter exhibits exceptional promise in sustainable energy applications, such as water heating and surface sterilization. This innovation is poised for commercialization, offering a potential eco-friendly and cost-effective solution for sustainable heating needs. Prof. Subramaniam’s team envisions widespread applications beyond its current understanding, indicating a future with diverse, unexplored uses of this groundbreaking invention.



The Supreme Court’s impending hearing on the constitutional validity of electoral bonds, a controversial scheme introduced by the government, involves a comprehensive assessment of the scheme, its perceived benefits, concerns raised by petitioners, and previous court rulings. As the legal battle unfolds, the court faces the critical task of deciding the fate of the electoral bonds scheme.

Understanding Electoral Bonds:

  • Electoral bonds were launched on January 2, 2018, as interest-free “bearer instruments,” allowing individuals or Indian-incorporated entities to anonymously donate to political parties.
  • These bonds, sold in various denominations, can be purchased through authorized SBI branches, and parties can encash them within 15 days of receipt for electoral funding.
  • They’re available for purchase during specific 10-day periods in January, April, July, and October and are limited to registered political parties securing at least 1% of the votes in the last election.

Rationale Behind Electoral Bonds:

  • The government introduced these bonds to rectify the opacity in political funding, intending to promote transparency and curtail the anonymous cash contributions made to political parties.

Previous Court Rulings:

  • Court directives required political parties receiving such donations to submit bond details to the Election Commission, aiming for transparency. The court also imposed safeguards, compelling political parties to submit donation particulars.

Upcoming Court Proceedings:

  • A five-judge bench, led by Chief Justice DY Chandrachud, is set to deliberate on petitions challenging the electoral bonds’ constitutionality. The case entails four petitions, each questioning the legality of these bonds and urging the court to categorize political parties as public entities under the RTI Act.

The ECI and the Centre’s Positions:

  • The Election Commission expressed concerns about the amendments exempting political parties from disclosing bond donations, terming it a “retrograde step” and highlighting the risks of unchecked foreign funding influencing Indian policies.
  • Conversely, the Centre, represented by Attorney General R Venkataramani, justified the confidentiality aspect of the scheme, asserting it encourages clean contributions while complying with tax obligation The AG emphasized the need for reasonable restrictions on citizens’ right to information.


The imminent Supreme Court hearing regarding electoral bonds is poised to address critical issues concerning political funding transparency and constitutional rights. With petitioners challenging the legality of these bonds, the court’s verdict will shape the future of political finance in the country and decide the fate of the electoral bonds scheme. The case presents a complex legal tussle, considering the contrasting views of petitioners and the government. The court’s judgment will significantly impact political finance transparency and electoral integrity.



The global geopolitical landscape is marked by the evolving dynamics between the United States and China. The discussions between the two superpowers, seemingly treading towards a dialogue, raise the prospects of a pivotal presidential summit, hinting at a potential stabilizing phase in their relations. Amidst these diplomatic stirrings, a pragmatic approach to their relationship emerges as crucial for global stability.


The Quiet Dialogue and Prospects of a Presidential Summit:

  • The U.S. and China, previously in a state of non-communication, are inching closer to a prospective presidential summit expected to take place during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco.
  • Although terms like “détente” might be premature, the current phase might signal a tactical stabilization in the relationship between these two global powers.

Immediate Impact and Potential Peace Measures:

  • The ability of Washington to engage in conversations with China holds the potential to influence restraint in West Asia. China’s influence over Iran, particularly its connection with Hezbollah in Lebanon, could impact regional scenarios, especially in conflict zones like Gaza.

The American Position and Ongoing Stand:

  • The U.S. asserts a position of strength, both economically and in foreign policy, especially with its reinvigorated alliances in Europe and strengthened ties across the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Despite this, the Biden administration maintains a stringent approach towards China, continuing Trump-era tariffs and export restrictions aimed at impeding China’s high-tech industry growth.

China’s Perspective and Policy Goals:

  • China aims to present a facade of cooperation and peaceful co-existence to counter the confrontational posture adopted by the U.S., aiming for U.S. acknowledgment of its political and economic system.
  • Regionally, China aims for dominance, especially in the western Pacific, contesting neighboring countries backed by the U.S., while keeping an eye on the sensitive Taiwan issue.

The Need for Pragmatism Amidst Competition:

  • Despite the competitive edge to their relationship, a pragmatic approach is crucial to ensure the cooperation needed to address global issues such as climate change and regional crises in regions like West Asia.


The burgeoning talks between the U.S. and China hold the promise of stability and a potential summit to address their differences. As the world’s two leading powers engage in a competitive yet pragmatic relationship, the hope is that they can transcend their differences for the greater global good. The crucial discussions may pave the way for enhanced collaboration and mutual understanding, essential for addressing complex global challenges and regional conflicts.



The role of the Speaker in the Indian parliamentary system holds immense significance, serving as the presiding officer in the Lok Sabha or state legislative assemblies. However, recent observations indicate potential deviations in the Speaker’s functioning, signifying a decline in the office’s independence.

Functions of the Speaker:

  • Interpretation and Constitution of Committees: The Speaker is the ultimate authority in interpreting the Constitution and Lok Sabha rules, also overseeing the formation and functioning of House Committees.
  • Custodian of House Rights: Safeguarding the privileges of the House, its committees, and members, ensuring fair conduct within parliamentary proceedings.
  • Money Bill Decision: The Speaker’s authority lies in determining the classification of a bill as a Money Bill, a decision that stands as final.
  • Disqualification Authority: Deciding upon the disqualification of Lok Sabha members due to defection under the Tenth Schedule.

Issues with the Speaker’s Functioning:

  • Misuse of Power: The tendency to misuse power, particularly observed in the suspension of members, often predominantly affecting Opposition representatives.
  • Bills Referral and Scrutiny: The insufficient referral of significant bills to committees for detailed examination, diminishing the scrutiny process.
  • Challenges in Bill Certification: Instances of challenges in courts against the Speaker’s certification of certain bills as Money Bills, posing potential legal conflicts.
  • Favoritism in Disqualification: Past records demonstrate a Speaker’s tilt towards the ruling party, risking the stability of elected governments.

Way Forward:

  • Vesting Disqualification Powers: Considering the Supreme Court’s recommendation, Parliament could amend the Constitution to establish an independent tribunal led by judges for disqualification decisions.
  • Impartiality through Resignation: Emulating Britain’s practice, where the Speaker resigns from political affiliations upon election, ensuring impartiality while presiding over parliamentary proceedings.
  • Upholding Impartial Conduct: It’s imperative for Speakers to adhere to practices aligning with democratic principles and avoid actions perceived as biased, fostering greater trust in the Speaker’s role.


Ensuring the independence and impartiality of the Speaker’s office is crucial for maintaining the sanctity of parliamentary proceedings. Implementing reforms, such as an independent tribunal for disqualification and endorsing impartial conduct, can reinstate trust and confidence in the Speaker’s office, crucial for the efficient functioning of legislative bodies.



Pink bollworm (PBW) infestation in cotton crops has emerged as a severe challenge for Indian farmers, resulting in substantial economic losses. Despite the introduction of genetically modified pest-resistant cotton (Bt Cotton), the pest is causing significant damage, leading to yield losses of 80-90% in states like Haryana, Rajasthan, and Punjab. Farmers’ struggle against this voracious pest necessitates innovative solutions for effective pest control.

Challenges in Pink Bollworm Management:

  • Resistance to Bt Cotton: Pink bollworm has developed resistance to Bt Cotton, rendering this genetically modified variety ineffective in controlling the pest.
  • Insecticide Inefficacy: Traditional spraying of pesticides and insecticides is ineffective as the pink bollworm hides within the cotton bolls.
  • Delayed Remedies: Developing and implementing new pest-resistant genes or seed varieties is a time-consuming process involving trials, approvals, and public-private partnerships.

An Innovative Solution: PBKnot Technology:

  • Overview: A promising solution for controlling pink bollworm infestation is the use of the PBKnot or PB Rope L technology. This technology has previously proven successful in the United States.
  • The US Success: In the United States, the technology was instrumental in eradicating the pink bollworm, which had plagued farmers for a century. The pest was eradicated in 2018 after implementing the technology in 2008.
  • Indian Success: The PBKnot technology has been under experimentation in India since 2022 and has achieved significant success, resulting in a 90% reduction in losses.
  • Approval in India: The technology gained approval in India from the Central Insecticide Board and Registration Committee in 2019-20.

How PBKnot Technology Works:

  • Mating Disruption: The technology aims to disrupt the mating cycle of pink bollworm moths.
  • Pheromone-Embedded Ropes: It involves the use of a 20-centimeter polyethylene hollow rope infused with pheromone gossyplure, emitted by female moths, to attract male moths.
  • Moth Confusion: When deployed, these ropes release pheromones into the air, causing confusion among male moths and preventing them from reaching females, thus disrupting the reproductive cycle.
  • Installation Process: The ropes are installed in cotton fields after the crop is 45 days old, with approximately 160 ropes per acre around the field’s border and interior.

Success and Expansion:

  • In 2022, the technology achieved a 90% disruption in 1,100 acres of land across 18 locations in India, leading to increased yields and improved lint quality.
  • In 2023, the experiment was expanded to 710 acres of land in 11 locations across states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.


The PBKnot technology offers a promising approach to combat the pink bollworm menace, especially when traditional methods and Bt Cotton have proven less effective. Wider adoption of this innovative solution in cotton-producing zones in India is crucial for ensuring effective pink bollworm management and safeguarding the cotton crop’s yield and quality. Government intervention and support are pivotal in realizing the full potential of this biotechnology tool.



Iceland recently experienced an unprecedented surge in seismic activity, with over 5500 small earthquakes rocking the region. These events, collectively referred to as seismic swarms, are sequences of numerous earthquakes that transpire in a relatively brief timeframe without a single distinct main shock.

  • Nature of Seismic Swarms: Seismic swarms are characterized by their unique pattern of multiple earthquakes occurring over a short period without a pronounced main earthquake They often create a continuous series of tremors.
  • Duration and Frequency: These swarms can persist for several weeks or even months. During this period, thousands of earthquakes can occur within a limited geographic area.
  • Occurrence: Seismic swarms are commonly observed in regions with volcanic activity, hydrothermal systems, and other geothermal areas. In these areas, the Earth’s crust is dynamically active, leading to frequent seismic events.
  • Iceland’s Unique Situation: Iceland, situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, stands as Europe’s most extensive and most active volcanic region. This geological setting exposes the country to heightened seismic and volcanic activity.



China achieved another milestone by launching the youngest crew to its Tiangong space station.

  • Construction and Agency: The Tiangong Space Station was developed and established by the Chinese Manned Space Agency (CMSA) to orbit within the low Earth orbit.
  • Modules and Functionality: It comprises three primary modules assembled between 2021 and 2022. These modules are designed to house up to three astronauts and are equipped with essential facilities for conducting various scientific experiments.
  • Operational Capacity: The space station is designed to have an operational lifespan of over 15 years, emphasizing its long-term mission and endurance.
  • Size and Capacity: In contrast to the International Space Station (ISS), the Tiangong Space Station is considerably smaller, consisting of only three modules. In comparison, the ISS consists of 16 modules, underscoring the difference in scale and capacity between the two space stations.


October 31, 2023
7:30 am - 11:30 pm
Event Category:
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