
A VEGETABLE TRIUMVIRATE, INFLATION AND THE TAKEAWAY  TOPIC: (GS3) ECONOMY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  Inflation, a crucial economic indicator, reflects changes in the general price level and cost of living. In India, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures inflation, with a basket of 299 items including vegetables, which hold a 6.04% weight.   In FY2023-24, vegetable


INDIAN MANUFACTURING NEEDS MORE SOPHISTICATION: FINANCE MINISTER  The recent report by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) sheds light on the growing threat of 'land squeeze,' where the demand for land outpaces its availability, posing significant challenges to farmers and food production globally.  Key Highlights of the Report:  Rising Land Prices:


INDIAN MANUFACTURING NEEDS MORE SOPHISTICATION: FINANCE MINISTER  The manufacturing sector in India plays a significant role in the country's economy, contributing 17% to GDP and employing over 27.3 million workers.  The government aims to increase its contribution to 25% of the economy by 2025, as part of the Make in India initiative.  While certain sectors


POWERFUL, SYMBOLIC  TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The recent announcements by Ireland, Norway, and Spain to formally recognize the state of Palestine mark a significant shift in international sentiment towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  Statements from Leaders:  Irish Taoiseach Simon Harris emphasizes the symbolic value of recognizing Palestine.  Norway’s Prime Minister supports moderate


WHY INDIAN HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS FELL TO A SIX-YEAR LOW IN FY23  The decline in India’s household net financial savings to GDP ratio has raised concerns about the financial well-being of households and the overall stability of the economy.   This decline is attributed to increased borrowing and structural shifts in the economy rather than a mere


EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT NAGALAND INSURGENCY  The Naga insurgency is one of the longest-running ethnic conflicts in India, primarily driven by the quest for Naga sovereignty and autonomy. The conflict has deeply affected the socio-political dynamics of the northeastern region of India.   Recently, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) accused the National Socialist Council


THE MISSING LINKS IN IMEC, AS SHOWN BY THE GAZA WAR  TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The Chabahar Port Agreement, signed on May 13, 2024, symbolizes a decade-long collaborative effort between India and Iran to develop a vital maritime link that connects India with Afghanistan and Central Asia. This agreement is not


HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA  The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently introduced regulations to facilitate the entry of Foreign Higher Educational Institutions (FHEIs) in India.   This move is seen as a significant step, comparable to the economic reforms of 1991, aimed at enhancing the quality and competitiveness of India's higher education system.  Current Scenario of


SPACE TOURISM  Space tourism, once a futuristic dream, is now becoming a reality with individuals like Gopi Thotakura venturing beyond Earth's atmosphere.   This burgeoning industry offers recreational trips to space, presenting both opportunities and challenges.                 What is Space Tourism?  Space tourism involves providing recreational space travel experiences for tourists.  Types: Suborbital flights offer


THE SPECTRE OF NUCLEAR CONFLICT, ONCE AGAIN  TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – SOURCE: THE HINDU  In the aftermath of major wars and conflicts, it is common to question whether ruling elites had the foresight and preparedness to prevent these crises.   As some nations today engage in sabre-rattling and threaten the use of nuclear weapons, these


BIMSTEC ACQUIRES ‘LEGAL PERSONALITY’ AFTER CHARTER COMES INTO FORCE  The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) achieved a significant milestone with the entry into force of its charter on 20th May 2024.   BIMSTEC is a regional organization comprising seven member states situated around the Bay of Bengal, aimed at fostering


MICROPLASTICS  Microplastics, defined as plastic particles smaller than five millimetres in diameter, have become a ubiquitous environmental pollutant, posing significant threats to ecosystems and human health.   These minuscule plastic fragments originate from various sources, including the breakdown of larger plastics and deliberate manufacturing of tiny particles for commercial use.   Recent studies have shed light on