
WHAT IS THE AGNIPATH SCHEME AND THE OPPOSITION TO IT?  TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: INDIAN EXPRESS  The Agni path scheme, introduced by the BJP-led government in June 2022, has faced opposition from political parties and Armed Forces veterans. This scheme aims to recruit personnel below officer ranks for a short-term tenure, significantly


HOUSEHOLD CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE SURVEY (HCES)  The Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES), undertaken by the National Statistical Office (NSO), offers invaluable insights into the expenditure patterns of households in both rural and urban areas throughout India. It is a comprehensive study conducted every five years to gather data on household consumption patterns, which is essential for


UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN FORUM (UNGSCF)  The inaugural United Nations Global Supply Chain Forum (UNGSCF) recently convened by UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Government of Barbados emphasized critical issues surrounding escalating global supply chain disruptions.   Additionally, the need for supply chain resilience, particularly in the context of India, has become increasingly apparent


SPECIAL CATEGORY STATUS FOR ANDHRA  TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: INDIAN EXPRESS  The demand for Special Category Status (SCS) for Andhra Pradesh has resurfaced in the political landscape following the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. This issue, rooted in the state's bifurcation in 2014, involves complex financial and political dimensions.  Background of SCS Demand 


IISC DEVELOPS METHOD TO REMOVE HEAVY METAL CONTAMINANTS FROM GROUNDWATER   TOPIC: (GS3) ENVIRONMENT – SOURCE: THE HINDU  Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed an innovative method to remove heavy metal contaminants, including arsenic, from groundwater. This process is designed to ensure environmental safety and sustainability.  Three-Step Method:  The method involves a


PANCHAYATI RAJ INSTITUTIONS  Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) are the foundation of rural governance in India, playing a crucial role in decentralizing power and ensuring local self-governance. They were established to empower rural communities and involve them directly in decision-making processes.  Historical Background  Ancient Governance: Village government in India has a long history. Kautilya’s Arthashastra (200


SPEAKER OF THE LOK SABHA  The Speaker of the Lok Sabha in India plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the House and maintaining the balance of power between the ruling party and its allies, as well as the opposition.   This is especially significant in a coalition government where multiple parties with


STUDY RANKS INDIA SECOND IN NITROUS OXIDE EMISSIONS  TOPIC: (GS3) ENVIRONMENT – SOURCE: THE HINDU  Recent observations in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, show the Taj Mahal visibly clearer after rain washed away pollution. This phenomenon underscores the significant issue of air pollution and highlights the urgent need to address greenhouse gas emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O). 


STATE OF THE OCEAN REPORT, 2024  The UNESCO State of Ocean Report 2024 emphasizes the urgent need for enhanced oceanographic research and data collection.   The report underscores the critical gaps in data and research and calls for immediate action to support healthy and resilient oceans.  Key Highlights  Inadequate Data and Research  Critical Gap: The report


GLOBAL NITROUS OXIDE BUDGET  Nitrous oxide (N₂O) is a potent greenhouse gas, significantly contributing to global warming and ozone layer depletion. A recent study by the Global Carbon Project (GCP) titled “Global Nitrous Oxide Budget (1980-2020)” highlights the alarming rise in N₂O emissions, particularly from human activities.   Key Findings of the Study  Alarming Rise in


3 STATES SEEK SHRINKING OF ECO-SENSITIVE AREAS IN WESTERN GHATS  The Western Ghats, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a biodiversity hotspot that spans six states in India: Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu.   In order to conserve its unique ecology while allowing for sustainable development, the concept of Eco-Sensitive Areas (ESAs) was


URBANISATION  Urbanisation is the process where people move from rural areas to urban centres, resulting in the growth of cities and towns. This trend has accelerated in recent decades, significantly impacting India’s urban centres, which face challenges such as water shortages, urban heating, and infrastructural strains.  What is Urbanisation?  Urbanisation refers to the movement of