1. Discuss how the philosophical basis forms the cornerstone of public service in India? (150 Words) 10 M

Spirituality, Social Service, and Social Contract form the philosophical basis of public service in India. These three principles are deeply rooted in the Indian culture and have helped shape the country’s public service system.

Spirituality is the foundation of Indian culture, and it emphasizes the importance of self-realization, inner peace, and compassion for others. Indian public servants are expected to be guided by the principles of spirituality, which encourage them to serve the people with humility and devotion.

Social Service is another critical aspect of public service in India. Indian society is deeply rooted in the principle of “selfless service,” where individuals are encouraged to serve others without expecting anything in return. Public servants in India are expected to embody this principle and work towards the betterment of society as a whole.

Finally, the Social Contract theory, which proposes that individuals give up some of their rights in exchange for the protection and benefits provided by the government, is also a crucial part of public service in India. Public servants in India are expected to uphold this social contract, which includes providing public services, maintaining law and order, and promoting the welfare of the citizens.

The philosophical basis of Spirituality, Social Service, and Social Contract form the cornerstone of public service in India. These principles guide public servants in their efforts to serve the people with compassion, selflessness, and a sense of duty.

2. Define Probity. What is the importance of Probity in Governance? Elucidate (150 Words) 10 Marks

Probity is a term that refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In governance, probity is essential for ensuring that public officials act in the best interests of the citizens they serve. The importance of probity in governance cannot be overstated, as it is the cornerstone of ethical behavior in the public sector.

Probity helps to build public trust in government institutions and ensures that officials are held accountable for their actions. When public officials act with probity, they are transparent in their decision-making, avoid conflicts of interest, and act in a manner that is consistent with the principles of fairness and justice.

Furthermore, probity is crucial for preventing corruption and promoting good governance. When public officials act with integrity, they are less likely to engage in unethical behavior, such as accepting bribes or using their position for personal gain. Instead, they prioritize the needs of the public and work towards achieving the common good.

The need of Probity in Governance System

It helps in preserving the confidence of the public in the government and enhances the public trust in the governance system of the country.

Probity helps in maintaining the integrity upright in the public service of the nation, which is the bedrock of the governance system.

It helps in avoiding the potential if any for misconduct and corruption and also helps in ensuring compliance with the processes and accountability in the governance system.

In summary, probity is a fundamental aspect of good governance that promotes ethical behavior, public trust, and accountability

3. How to ensure Probity in Governance? Discuss (150 Words) 10 M

Probity in governance is essential for the smooth functioning of any organization, especially for governments. It refers to the adherence to ethical and moral principles, honesty, and integrity in decision-making processes and actions.

To ensure probity in governance, it is crucial to have a transparent and accountable system in place. This can be achieved by implementing measures such as regular audits, publishing reports, and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes.

Moral education can help in ensuring it. For example, training can be given to avoid bribes.

Transparency is an integral part of any organization, it compels the state and the civil society to look into rules and have clear objectives, monitor and report on the performance.

Compulsory display of the citizen’s charter in the government offices under the right to information act can help in ensuring probity.

Another important aspect is to have a code of conduct that outlines the expected behavior of public officials and holds them accountable for any breach of it. This code of conduct should be enforced rigorously, and any violations should be investigated and punished accordingly.

Additionally, it is essential to have an independent regulatory authority to oversee the functioning of the government and ensure that it is operating within the legal and ethical framework. This regulatory authority should have the power to investigate any allegations of corruption or misconduct and take appropriate action.

In conclusion, probity in governance is crucial for building trust and confidence in the government and its institutions. It requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior from all public officials.

4. Elucidate the importance of public service in a welfare state like India? (150 Words) 10

Probity in governance is essential for the smooth functioning of any organization, especially for governments. It refers to the adherence to ethical and moral principles, honesty, and integrity in decision-making processes and actions.

To ensure probity in governance, it is crucial to have a transparent and accountable system in place. This can be achieved by implementing measures such as regular audits, publishing reports, and involving stakeholders in decision-making processes.

Another important aspect is to have a code of conduct that outlines the expected behavior of public officials and holds them accountable for any breach of it. This code of conduct should be enforced rigorously, and any violations should be investigated and punished accordingly.

Additionally, it is essential to have an independent regulatory authority to oversee the functioning of the government and ensure that it is operating within the legal and ethical framework. This regulatory authority should have the power to investigate any allegations of corruption or misconduct and take appropriate action.

In conclusion, probity in governance is crucial for building trust and confidence in the government and its institutions. It requires a commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior from all public officials.

5. Most of the times, bribes are demanded as a matter of gift. In light of this statement, differentiate between the two in Indian civil services rules context? (150 Words) 10 M

In Indian civil service rules context, the terms “bribe” and “gift” are not interchangeable. A bribe is an illegal payment made to a public official in exchange for some benefit or favor. It is a form of corruption that undermines the integrity of the civil service and can have serious consequences for both the giver and the receiver.

On the other hand, a gift is a voluntary and unconditional offering given as a token of appreciation or goodwill. However, there are strict guidelines governing the acceptance of gifts by civil servants. Gifts above a certain value must be declared and may be subject to confiscation or reimbursement. Civil servants are also prohibited from accepting gifts from individuals or entities that have business dealings with the government.

It is important to note that the line between a bribe and a gift can sometimes be blurry, and civil servants must exercise caution and good judgment when accepting any form of offering. Ultimately, the goal of the civil service is to serve the public interest, and any action that compromises this objective must be avoided.

Steps taken by the government to control gift culture in bureaucracy

The government has taken several measures to control the gift culture in bureaucracy. One of the steps taken is the implementation of strict laws and regulations to regulate the exchange of gifts between public officials and private individuals or organizations. The government has also set up a monitoring agency to oversee the implementation of these laws and to ensure that public officials do not engage in corrupt practices.

Another measure taken is the promotion of ethical behavior among public officials. The government has launched various campaigns to raise awareness about the negative impact of gift culture on the integrity and credibility of the bureaucracy. The campaigns aim to educate public officials about the importance of maintaining impartiality and professionalism in their work.

Furthermore, the government has introduced a system of rewards and recognition for public officials who adhere to ethical standards and display exemplary behavior. This system serves as an incentive for public officials to maintain their integrity and avoid engaging in corrupt practices.

6. The rise of Anna Hazare is a once in a life time moment. However, maintenance of high ethical standards by all the public officials is a day to day requirement. In view of the same, suggest some measures to ensure a corruption free atmosphere in public dealings? (150 Words) 10 Marks

Ensuring a corruption-free atmosphere in public dealings requires a multi-faceted approach. First and foremost, there needs to be a robust legal framework in place that deters corrupt practices and punishes those who engage in them. This should include strict penalties for bribery, embezzlement, and other forms of corrupt behavior.

Secondly, there needs to be a culture of transparency and accountability in public institutions. This can be achieved by implementing measures such as mandatory disclosure of assets and interests for public officials, as well as regular audits and independent oversight of government activities.

Thirdly, there needs to be a strong emphasis on education and awareness-raising about the negative impacts of corruption on society as a whole. This can be achieved through public campaigns, school curriculums, and community outreach programs.

Finally, it is important to recognize that corruption is often fueled by economic inequality and lack of access to basic services. Addressing these underlying issues through programs that promote inclusive economic growth, social welfare, and access to justice can help to reduce the incentives for corrupt behavior.

By implementing these measures, we can create a more transparent, accountable, and equitable society, where public officials are held to the highest ethical standards and corruption is truly a thing of the past.

7. Differentiate between Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct? In bureaucracy, which is important Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct. Explain (150 Words) 10 M

Both the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct are important documents that guide the behavior and decision-making of individuals or groups within an organization. However, there are some key differences between the two.

A Code of Ethics is a set of principles that outlines the ethical behavior that individuals or groups within an organization are expected to uphold. These principles are based on values such as honesty, integrity, and respect for others. A Code of Ethics is often more general in nature and serves as a guiding framework for decision-making.

On the other hand, a Code of Conduct is a more specific set of rules and guidelines that govern the daily behavior of individuals or groups within an organization. A Code of Conduct outlines specific behaviors that are expected or prohibited, such as rules regarding conflicts of interest, harassment, or discrimination.

What is the Difference Between Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct -  Pediaa.Com

While both documents are important, a Code of Ethics serves as a foundation for ethical behavior, while a Code of Conduct provides more specific guidance on how to behave in specific situations. Ultimately, both documents work together to create a culture of ethical behavior within an organization.

Both Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct are important in bureaucracy as they ensure that employees act in an ethical and professional manner.



8 Ethics is nothing else other than reverence for life. Discuss (150 Words) 10 M

Ethics is a complex subject that has been discussed and debated by numerous philosophers, scholars, and thought-leaders over the years. At its core, ethics is all about the way we treat others and the world around us. Many people believe that ethics is nothing else than reverence for life.

This idea suggests that we should treat all living beings with respect, dignity, and compassion. It is based on the belief that all life is sacred and deserves to be protected and valued. 

While ethical behaviour is often associated with human actions and decision-making, it is important to recognize that it encompasses non-human elements as well. For example, the treatment of animals and the environment are ethical concerns that involve non-human entities. Additionally, advancements in technology and artificial intelligence raise new ethical questions about how we interact with non-human entities. 

When we practice ethics, we are making a conscious effort to act in a way that is consistent with our values and beliefs. This means treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves and being mindful of the impact that our actions have on the world around us.

Ultimately, the idea that ethics is nothing else than reverence for life is a powerful one. It reminds us that we are all connected and that our actions have a ripple effect that can impact others in positive or negative ways. By treating all life with respect and compassion, we can help to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for everyone.

9. “Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.” Examine. (150 words) 10 M

The above quote by Lord Chief Justice Hewart captures the essence of the concept of procedural justice. It is not enough for justice to be served, but it must also be transparent and visible to all parties involved. People must have faith in the institutions that are responsible for administering justice. If this faith is lost, the legitimacy of the justice system is called into question.

The principle of procedural justice is critical in promoting trust in the legal system. It requires that all parties are given a fair hearing, that decisions are made impartially and based on the facts, and that the process is transparent. When people see that the correct procedures are followed, they are more likely to accept the outcome, even if it does not entirely satisfy them.

Also, there are other dimensions for ensuring a just society.

Social justice: Upliftment of Dalits cannot be done merely by providing affirmative action policies, rather when they are treated fairly in everyday life as equal citizens of our society.

Economic justice: Starvation deaths in remote areas despite the provision of Public Distribution System (PDS), raises serious questions on the epilogue of ‘Nyaya’ and ‘Niti’.

In conclusion, the principle of procedural justice is essential in ensuring that justice is not only done but also seen to be done. It promotes trust in the legal system and ensures that people have faith in the institutions responsible for administering justice.

10 Throw light on the Ethical questions on Conflict of Interest? (150 Words) 10 M

Conflict of interest is a common ethical issue that arises in various settings, ranging from corporate to political and academic environments. It occurs when an individual or an organization has competing interests that could potentially influence their decision-making process. A conflict of interest can result in unfair advantages, bias, and unethical behavior, among other negative outcomes.

In the corporate world, conflicts of interest may arise when executives or employees have financial interests in other companies or personal relationships with clients or suppliers. In such cases, they may prioritize their personal interests over the interests of the company, leading to a breach of trust and potential legal and financial consequences.

In academia, conflicts of interest may arise when researchers receive funding from private companies or have financial interests in the outcomes of their studies. This could potentially influence their research findings and compromise the integrity of the scientific process.

In politics, conflicts of interest may occur when elected officials have personal relationships with lobbyists or receive financial contributions from special interest groups. This can lead to biased decision-making that prioritizes the interests of these groups over the interests of the general public.

Overall, conflicts of interest are a serious ethical issue that require transparency, accountability, and sound judgment to ensure fair and ethical decision-making. It is important for individuals and organizations to identify and address conflicts of interest when they arise to avoid negative consequences and maintain trust with stakeholders.