
HINDU KUSH HIMALAYA  The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has reported record low levels of snow persistence in the Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Indus basins.  About ICIMOD  Establishment: Founded in 1983.  Purpose: Works towards a greener, inclusive, and climate-resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH).  Findings of the Report  Global Findings  Amu Darya River Basin: In


ROOFTOP SOLAR PROGRAMME  By March 2024, India achieved an installed rooftop solar (RTS) capacity of 11.87 gigawatts (GW), reflecting a growth of 2.99 GW during 2023-2024.  Government Initiative: The Rooftop Solar Programme was launched in 2014 to promote rooftop solar installations across the country.  About the Rooftop Solar Programme  Launch Year: 2014.  Initial Target: 40


DRUG ABUSE IN INDIA  Drug abuse and trafficking pose significant challenges globally, impacting public health, national security, and socio-economic stability.   In India, these issues are particularly complex due to various factors such as poverty, social influences, and geographical proximity to major drug-producing regions like the Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle.  Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive


SIMLA AGREEMENT AND INDIA-PAKISTAN RELATIONS  The Simla Agreement, signed on 2nd July 1972, marked a significant milestone in the history of India-Pakistan relations, aimed at resolving conflicts arising from the 1971 Indo-Pakistani War.   This agreement, facilitated by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of India and President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan, sought to establish peace and


FINANCIAL ACTION TASK FORCE (FATF)  The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an intergovernmental organization that sets standards and promotes effective implementation of legal, regulatory, and operational measures to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the integrity of the international financial system. The Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) assesses member countries' compliance


EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA  The education system in India has evolved over centuries, reflecting the country’s rich cultural and historical legacy. In recent times, debates about the structure and governance of education, particularly whether it should be under state or central control, have gained prominence.  History of Education in India  Ancient Period:  Gurukul System: Students


GLOBAL INDIAai SUMMIT  The Global INDIAai Summit recently concluded at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi, serving as a significant gathering for experts, policymakers, and AI enthusiasts worldwide.  This summit focused on discussing the future trajectory of Artificial Intelligence (AI) both in India and globally, highlighting key initiatives and strategies.  Key Highlights and Outcomes  Global AI


PATENTS IN INDIA  Recently, the Union Minister of Commerce and Industry emphasized that India granted approximately one hundred thousand patents in 2024, indicating a substantial rise in patent approvals.  About Patents  Definition: A patent grants exclusive rights to an inventor or entity over their invention, preventing others from replicating, using, or selling it without permission. 


CABINET COMMITTEES  The Union government of India recently established eight Cabinet Committees to streamline decision-making and improve governance efficiency. This action was accompanied by changes in oath-taking rules for Members of Parliament (MPs), underscoring the government's commitment to organizational and procedural reforms.  Cabinet Committees  About Cabinet Committees  Definition: Subsets of the Union Cabinet, consisting of


QUALITY CONTROL ISSUES IN INDIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY The Indian pharmaceutical industry, renowned globally for its affordable generics and significant export market, faces critical challenges in maintaining quality standards. Recent incidents have highlighted lapses in quality control, leading to regulatory actions and international concerns. Causes of Quality Control Failures Regulatory Compliance Issues: Recent inspections by the


CLASSICAL LANGUAGES AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS The Central government has recently decided to modify the criteria for granting classical language status, based on recommendations from the Linguistics Expert Committee of the Union Culture Ministry. This change aims to better reflect the rich linguistic heritage of India and address the demands of various language groups. What are


MENSTRUAL LEAVES IN INDIA  Menstrual leave is a debated topic in India, focusing on providing female employees with paid time off during their menstruation period.   It aims to address the physical and emotional challenges women face during this time and promote workplace inclusivity.  Current State of Menstrual Leaves in India  Legislative Landscape:  No Central Law: