
WORLD BANK'S "RECIPE FOR A LIVABLE PLANET" REPORT  The World Bank's "Recipe for a Livable Planet" report provides a comprehensive framework for addressing the impact of the agrifood system on climate change.   It emphasizes the urgent need for global action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from food production while ensuring food security.   Key Highlights


THE SOCIO-ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF LPG PRICE HIKES  Recent study highlighting heavy reliance on fuelwood in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, despite government efforts to promote Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), highlights the challenges of transitioning to cleaner cooking fuels in rural areas.   The high prices of LPG, coupled with environmental concerns associated with fuelwood usage, call for accessible


NAVIGATING INDIA’S TRANSITION TO SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING  PwC India, a professional services network, recently released a report titled 'Navigating India's Transition to Sustainability', focusing on sustainability efforts among leading Indian companies.  The report analyzes how companies are adapting to the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) disclosures mandated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India


STRONGLY REFUTE ALLEGATIONS LEVELLED IN AUSTRALIA PANEL REPORT ON CHILD LABOUR: COMMERCE MINISTRY  Recent allegations by Australia's Joint Standing Committee on Trade and Investment Growth regarding child labour in India amidst negotiations for the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) have sparked controversy.  The Australian panel's report cited concerns raised by groups such as the Community


MORE SOLAR STORMS BREWING AFTER LAST WEEK’S AURORAE AS SUN ‘WAKES UP’  TOPIC: (GS3) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  On May 10, a significant solar storm occurred, triggered by sunspot AR 3664, which unleashed three coronal mass ejections towards Earth.  Solar storms and the stunning aurorae they create are a source of wonder


PARLIAMENT AN UNSAFE WORKPLACE DUE TO SEXUAL MISCONDUCT BY MPS, SAY UNIONS  The recent cases of alleged sexual harassment involving Members of Parliament (MPs), Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs), and government employees have highlighted a concerning issue: the criminalization of politics.   This phenomenon raises significant ethical questions about moral responsibility and professional ethics.   What Does


NEW UN REPORT CALLS FOR TRILLIONS MORE IN DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT TO RESCUE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS  The United Nations (UN) recently released a report highlighting the urgent need for increased investment to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.  Staggering debt burdens and high borrowing costs faced by developing countries hinder their ability to


STATE OF EMPLOYMENT IN INDIA  India has witnessed a significant surge in employment over recent years, generating over 80 million additional jobs between 2017-18 and 2022-23.   This rapid growth has sparked discussions about its underlying causes and the sustainability of this trend.  Key Trends in Employment Growth:  Historical Growth: Analysis of NSSO data from 1983


SMART CITIES MISSION  The Smart Cities Mission (SCM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched by the Government of India in June 2015.   The mission aims to transform 100 cities across the country to enhance the quality of life for citizens through sustainable and inclusive development, leveraging advanced technologies.   The mission's deadline, initially set for 2020,


MANIPUR ACCOUNTED FOR 97% OF DISPLACEMENTS IN SOUTH ASIA  TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS– SOURCE: THE HINDU  In 2023, South Asia witnessed significant internal displacements due to conflict and violence, with a notable concentration in India. A major contributing factor was the ethnic violence in Manipur, which alone accounted for 67,000 displacements.   The Geneva-based Internal Displacement


STATE CANNOT ACQUIRE PROPERTY WITHOUT PROPER PROCEDURE: SC TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: THE HINDU The Supreme Court ruled that the state cannot acquire private property for public use without following mandatory procedures. Even with compensation, acquisition without proper procedure is unconstitutional. Right to Property: The right to property is a constitutional right


SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS RIGHT TO LIFE OF FOETUS  The Supreme Court recently declined a plea from a 20-year-old unmarried woman seeking to terminate her over 27-week pregnancy.   This decision upheld the Delhi High Court's earlier ruling.   The case brings into focus important aspects of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act and the rights associated