
NEW UN REPORT CALLS FOR TRILLIONS MORE IN DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT TO RESCUE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS  The United Nations (UN) recently released a report highlighting the urgent need for increased investment to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.  Staggering debt burdens and high borrowing costs faced by developing countries hinder their ability to


STATE OF EMPLOYMENT IN INDIA  India has witnessed a significant surge in employment over recent years, generating over 80 million additional jobs between 2017-18 and 2022-23.   This rapid growth has sparked discussions about its underlying causes and the sustainability of this trend.  Key Trends in Employment Growth:  Historical Growth: Analysis of NSSO data from 1983


SMART CITIES MISSION  The Smart Cities Mission (SCM) is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme launched by the Government of India in June 2015.   The mission aims to transform 100 cities across the country to enhance the quality of life for citizens through sustainable and inclusive development, leveraging advanced technologies.   The mission's deadline, initially set for 2020,


MANIPUR ACCOUNTED FOR 97% OF DISPLACEMENTS IN SOUTH ASIA  TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS– SOURCE: THE HINDU  In 2023, South Asia witnessed significant internal displacements due to conflict and violence, with a notable concentration in India. A major contributing factor was the ethnic violence in Manipur, which alone accounted for 67,000 displacements.   The Geneva-based Internal Displacement


STATE CANNOT ACQUIRE PROPERTY WITHOUT PROPER PROCEDURE: SC TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: THE HINDU The Supreme Court ruled that the state cannot acquire private property for public use without following mandatory procedures. Even with compensation, acquisition without proper procedure is unconstitutional. Right to Property: The right to property is a constitutional right


SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS RIGHT TO LIFE OF FOETUS  The Supreme Court recently declined a plea from a 20-year-old unmarried woman seeking to terminate her over 27-week pregnancy.   This decision upheld the Delhi High Court's earlier ruling.   The case brings into focus important aspects of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act and the rights associated


NO FRESH MINING LEASES, RENEWALS IN ARAVALLIS, SUPREME COURT ORDERS  The Supreme Court has recently halted new mining licenses and renewals in the Aravalli ranges based on a report by the Forest Survey of India (FSI).   Despite a significant increase in Haryana's revenue from legal mining over the past decade, environmental concerns have necessitated stringent


TAMIL NADU: A CASE FOR ALLOWING RESERVATION OVER 50 PER CENT TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: THE HINDU The congress party proposes a constitutional amendment to raise the 50% reservation cap for obc, Sc’s, and st in government positions and colleges. concerns arise mainly from elites due to legal and economic arguments. opposition


NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES  Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of diverse conditions caused by various pathogens like viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and toxins. These diseases often afflict impoverished communities in tropical regions, leading to severe health, social, and economic consequences.  About Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)  NTDs have complex epidemiology, often linked to environmental factors.


2 DISTRICT JUDGES QUESTION COLLEGIUM PICKS, SUPREME COURT NOTICE TO HIMACHAL HC  Two senior-most district judges from Himachal Pradesh have recently approached the Supreme Court, claiming that their merit and seniority were disregarded by the Himachal Pradesh High Court Collegium during the judge selection process.  What is the Collegium System?  The Collegium System involves the


WHY IS THE EUROPEAN UNION PROBING FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM? TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – SOURCE: THE HINDU The European Union has initiated a new investigation into Meta’s social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, over concerns about child safety and compliance with the bloc's Digital Service Act (DSA). This investigation centers on the potential exploitation of


ISSUES WITH THE SCHEME FOR CARE AND SUPPORT TO VICTIMS UNDER POCSO ACT  The Scheme for Care and Support to Victims under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act aims to provide comprehensive support to minor pregnant girl child victims. However, recent observations highlight several discrepancies and challenges in its implementation.  Discrepancies in