
GLOBAL HEPATITIS REPORT 2024  The recently released Global Hepatitis Report 2024 by the World Health Organization (WHO) has shed light on India's significant burden of viral hepatitis, particularly Hepatitis B


CRAFTED AT HOME, NEXCAR19 TAKES INDIA TO NEXT LEVEL IN CANCER CARE TOPIC: (GS3) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY–SOURCE: THE HINDU Cancer remains a major healthcare challenge in India.  However, recent development


INDIA TO CONSIDER EXPANDING RELAXATION IN OCI CARD NORMS  India has been deliberating on extending the Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) Card benefits to overseas Indians in Fiji and other


SOIL EROSION CRISIS IN INDIA  Soil erosion is a significant environmental concern impacting agricultural productivity and environmental sustainability. A recent study employing the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) highlighted


ANNUAL STATUS OF EDUCATION REPORT (ASER) 2023 TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE –SOURCE: THE HINDU ASER 2023 annual educational assessment, sheds light on the foundational learning levels and aspirations of


CANDIDATES HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY FROM VOTERS: SC JUDGMENT  The Supreme Court of India recently delivered a significant judgement concerning the declaration of movable assets by candidates contesting elections.  


INDIA'S DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION  India's population dynamics have long been a focal point of discussions, with projections indicating a potential population of 1.7 billion by 2065.   This brings attention not only


FERTILITY LEVELS DROP BELOW ONE IN MANY ASIAN NATIONS TOPIC: (GS2) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – SOURCE: THE HINDU Many East and Southeast Asian countries are experiencing a population crisis marked by


DRYING RIVERS IN INDIA The Central Water Commission (CWC) has reported alarming water storage levels in several river basins, particularly in east-flowing rivers between Mahanadi and Pennar. This crisis poses


STRICTER VIEW NEEDED IN CUSTODIAL DEATH CASES  Custodial death, the tragic demise of an individual under the watch of law enforcement or correctional facilities, remains a pressing issue in India.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN INDIA Domestic violence remains a significant issue in India, affecting women from all backgrounds and perpetuating cycles of abuse and inequality. Despite legal frameworks in place, enforcement


STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS  The Andaman and Nicobar Islands (ANI) hold immense strategic importance for India in the Indo-Pacific region.   The Indian government's renewed focus on these