
PROMOTING COMPETITION IN DIGITAL MARKETS: THE AI CHALLENGE  During the 15th annual day celebrations of the Competition Commission of India (CCI), the Chairperson emphasized the inclination of digital markets towards heightened market concentration, potentially leading to monopolistic tendencies.  Key Highlights of the Event:  The CCI Chairperson pointed out that the dominance of digital platforms over


EXPERT PANEL FAVOURS REOPENING ELEPHANT CORRIDOR, SHIFTING CHINNAKANAL COLONIES  TOPIC: (GS3) ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The expert panel appointed by the Kerala High Court has submitted a report outlining recommendations to address the human-wildlife conflict in Chinnakanal, Idukki district.   The report highlights the case of Arikomban, a wild elephant relocated due to


BLAMING COURT VACATION FOR PENDENCY MISSES THE REAL PROBLEM  TOPIC: (GS2) POLITY AND GOVERNANCE – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial system are fundamental to upholding the rule of law and ensuring access to justice for all. However, recent discussions surrounding the working hours of judges have reignited debates on the


FARM LOAN WAIVERS  Farm loan waivers are governmental measures aimed at relieving farmers from the burden of repaying certain agricultural loans, typically announced during election campaigns to garner support from the farming community.  These waivers are implemented to alleviate agrarian distress caused by factors like crop failure, natural calamities, or economic hardships.  Governments allocate funds


WORLD MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY 2024  On World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024, India celebrates advancements in menstrual hygiene management, with around 80% of young women aged 15-24 using safe menstrual products, as reported by the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 2019-2020).  Despite overall progress, the menstrual hygiene needs of women in Indian prisons remain largely overlooked,


RBI’S INCOME RISES 17% TO ₹2.75 LAKH CR., SPENDING FALLS 56%  TOPIC: (GS3) ECONOMY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  RBI income went up by 17%, reaching ₹2,75,572.32 crore, which shows we're making more money. At the same time, spending dropped by a big 56.3% to ₹64,694.33 crore, meaning we're being careful with how we spend. These


WIPO TREATY ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, GENETIC RESOURCES, TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE  The recently concluded World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) treaty on Intellectual Property (IP), Genetic Resources (GRs), and Associated Traditional Knowledge (ATK) marks a significant achievement for countries of the global South, including India.   Adopted by a consensus of over 150 countries, the treaty aims to balance


CYCLONE REMAL: 31 KILLED AS RAIN, LANDSLIPS WREAK HAVOC IN NORTHEAST  The recent Cyclone Remal caused severe landslides in northeastern India, resulting in significant casualties. This highlights the urgent need for enhanced multi-hazard disaster resilience. While early warnings for cyclones have improved, landslide prediction and prevention remain a challenge.  What is a Landslide?  A landslide


RAILWAYS TO CONSTRUCT CANOPY BRIDGES ACROSS TRACK IN ASSAM GIBBON HABITAT  TOPIC: (GS3) ECONOMY – SOURCE: THE HINDU  The Hollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary in Jorhat district, Assam, is home to the Hoolock gibbon, India’s only ape. A railway track divides the sanctuary, disrupting the gibbons' natural movement and habitat.  Canopy Bridges  Purpose: Facilitate gibbons' safe movement


JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE SPOTS EARLIEST-KNOWN GALAXY: WHAT A NEW STUDY SAYS  TOPIC: (GS3) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – SOURCE: INDIAN EXPRESS  Astronomers have made a groundbreaking discovery using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), revealing the most distant galaxy ever observed.   This ancient galaxy, named JADES-GS-z14-0, existed a mere 400 million years after the Big


GLOBAL PANDEMIC AGREEMENT  The World Health Assembly (WHA), in its annual meeting, agreed on significant amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) and made commitments to finalize a global pandemic agreement by 2025. These amendments aim to enhance global preparedness, surveillance, and responses to public health emergencies, including pandemics.  Key Amendments to IHR  Pandemic


THE INSOLVENCY AND BANKRUPTCY CODE (IBC), 2016  The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016, provides a comprehensive framework for resolving insolvency and bankruptcy issues for companies, individuals, and partnerships in India. Recent data from the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) highlights the progress and challenges in the implementation of the IBC, with a